Getting Started
If Safety Features are Impaired
Voltage ratings are given as “working voltage”. They
should be read as V ac rms (50-60 Hz) for AC sine
wave applications and as V dc for DC applications.
Measurement Category IV refers to the overhead or
underground utility service of an installation. Cat III refers
to distribution level and fixed installation circuits inside a
To accommodate connection to various line
power sockets, the BC430 Battery Charger /
Power Adapter is equipped with a male plug that
must be connected to a line plug adapter
appropriate for local use. Since the Charger is
isolated, you can use line plug adapters with or
without a protective ground terminal.
The 230 V rating of the BC430 is not for use in
North America. A line plug adapter complying
with the applicable National Requirements may
be provided to alter the blade configurations for
a specific country.
If Safety Features are Impaired
If the Analyzer is used in a manner not specified by
the manufacturer, the protection provided by the
Analyzer may be impaired.
Before use, inspect the test leads for mechanical damage
and replace damaged test leads!
If the Analyzer or its accessories appear to be impaired or
not functioning properly, do not use it and send it in for
Reference to Manual Sections