First Alert CM2837 Speaker System User Manual

Page 3 of 9 CM2837
**Interconnected alarms provide added
warning as compared to single alarms.
installation. With First Alert® OneLink® there is an extremely small chance of a
duplicate code programmed in an adjacent apartment’s units as with the
competition. No trying to remember dip switch locations for each apartment’s
units. Easier programming means a more cost effective installation.
Question: What is a “Mesh Network” and how does it work?
Answer: First Alert® OneLink® alarms operate on a “mesh network”. All of the First
Alert® OneLink® alarms send, receive and resend the initiating alarm’s signal.
The competition only sends and receives or is a one-way communication. It does
not resend. Why is this important? In the following illustration, the initiating
alarm is in the basement. Let’s say the signal is blocked from reaching the
Master Bedroom alarm either by distance or some obstruction in the home. With
First Alert® OneLink®, the mesh network of alarms re-routes and resends the
signal via the other alarms, providing a greater chance all alarms will receive the
signal. With the competition, only the initiating alarm is sending a signal.
Therefore, the Master Bedroom never receives a signal and is deadly silent. The
“mesh network” is a more reliable means of wireless communication. Again,
seconds count in an emergency.