Fender SPL-6000P Stereo Amplifier User Manual

CAUTION: NEVER use coiled cords for
speaker hookup, even in an emergency.
Coiled guitar-type cords usually have higher internal resis-
tance than the speakers themselves. This is due to the
light-gauge wire used to keep the coil cords flexible.
These cords will prevent most of the power from reaching
the speakers. In high power operation, a coil cord can
melt causing a fire hazard and possible damage to the
amplifier. As a general rule, both straight and coiled gui-
tar-type connecting cords make poor speaker cables.
The SPL-6000 can produce enough power output to dam-
age electronic equipment connected to its output. Besides
being capable of destroying speakers, under certain circum-
stances shock and /or fire hazards are possible. High power
amplifiers should always be properly applied and used with
care in clean and dry environment.
If you have mounted all your sound equipment in a rack or
portable case, you can ensure that everything stays calibrat-
ed by marking the settings of the necessary controls. Small
pointers made from masking tape are visible in dim light and
can be removed with alcohol or rubber cement thinner with-
out damage to the paint on most front panels including
those of the Fender amplifiers. Be sure to check the finish in
an inconspicuous place to determine the suitability of any
Assuming you are NOT turning all the equipment on at
once with a switched power receptacle "strip", be sure to
turn on the power amplifier last. This will prevent turn-on
"thumps" from the mixer or other pieces of gear that could
possibly damage speakers. The reverse logic should also
be applied -- turn OFF the amplifier FIRST -- when shut-
ting down the system.
The SPL-6000 is timed to turn on the speaker outputs
after the amplifier's power supply is fully charged up, thus
preventing any turn-on noise. Timing of the amplifier's
turn-on circuit is usually sufficient to accommodate all the
turn-on anomalies from other pieces of gear in a system,
making it acceptable to use a single switched power string
in a permanent or semi-permanent system.
CAUTION: The SPL-6000 can draw a lot of
AC power. Be sure the AC power source for
your AC distribution system has adequate
current capability.
In multiple amplifier installations, we recommend sequen-
tial turn-on (either manually or via timed relays) to avoid a
sudden major drain on the AC line.
You should keep in mind that the severe reduction of
power line voltages affects the amount of power you can
get FROM the amplifier. If you need to run long AC
extension cords, make sure their conductors are as large
as practical (small gauge number). Just as smaller diam-
eter wire causes speaker lines loss, smaller power lines
cause loss. The effect of small AC lines is one of the
intermittent clipping under severe conditions.