D/A and A/D Conversion: 24 bit.
DSP processing: 1 ms or 1000 µs.
Digital-to-analog conversion: 250 µs.
Analog-to-digital conversion: 250 µs.
Amplifier: 100 µs.
Total: 1.6 ms or 1000 µs.
Dynamic Range: 103 dB typical (A-weighted,
20Hz–20kHz, audio sourced from muted
CobraNet channel).
Distortion: < 0.1% THD+N, 20Hz–20kHz.
Frequency Response: ± 0.5 dB, 20Hz–20kHz.
Input/Output Monitor Accuracy: Typically ±1dB.
Maximum Input Level: + 20 dBu.
Regulatory Certifications
Other Applications
IQ Data Indicator
Flashes when the module receives a valid
command that is addressed to the CTs 4200
USP/CN and CTs 8200USP/CN.
Reset/Preset Switch
Used to change presets, restore settings to
factory default or restore all the presets to
the factory defaults. During operation of the
switch, the Data indicator flashes as an aid to
the user. Accessible with a straightened paper
clip through the rear panel, the switch selects
the next user preset if pressed for less than
2 seconds, resets the module to preset “0” if
pressed for more than 2 seconds.
Memory Backup: Non-volatile FLASH memo-
ries for backup of run-time parameters, pre-
sets, and program storage.
Communications: 100Mb Fast Ethernet con-
forming to IEEE 802.3.
Overall Audio Performance:
DSP Processing: Two processors, 32 bit,
Floating Point, 724 µs latency.
USP/CN CobraNet Module Specifications
(for amplifier specifications, see the CTs Multi-
Channel Series pages)
AUX Connector
Configurable for AUX input, AUX output and
Listen Bus. Listen Bus is also supported
through CobraNet.
Network Connector
The dual RJ45 CobraNet connectors allow
a Primary & Secondary connection to the
100Mb Ethernet network. Should the Primary
connection lose link activity with the network,
the input module will automatically switch to
the Secondary connection to ensure uninter-
rupted audio and control. The indicators on
the RJ45 connectors display network infor-
mation concerning the Ethernet and CobraNet
Preset Indicator
Signals the number of the current preset, if
active, by flashing a series of flashes equal to
the current preset number.
he Crown
CTs 4200USP/CN and CTs 8200USP/CN power amplifiers have an integrated 3rd genera-
tion, DSP-based input module. It connects the amplifier to a 100 Mbps Ethernet network allowing it
to be remotely controlled and monitored via System Architect™ software. In addition, the input module
allows the transport of real-time digital audio via CobraNet™ over the same Ethernet network. The
amplifiers connect to a HiQnet™ audio control/monitor network using standard 100 Mbps Ethernet
hardware (switches, Network Interface Cards, and cables). CobraNet™ audio is available over the same
100 Mbps Ethernet network, providing a simple-to-install, single-plug solution for audio distribution,
control, and monitoring.
CTs 8200USP/CN Back Panel (note USP/CN CobraNet™ module at top left)