
Connections and
The Ayre KX-R is easy to connect and use. The following
guidelines will ensure that the installation goes smoothly.
As shipped from the factory, none of the inputs
are activated. The desired inputs are activated by
assigning them names as described in the
following chapter, “Setup and Configuration”.
The infrared beam of the remote transmitter
will also travel through glass.
A good location for your preamplifier is in a cabinet or on a
shelf. The receiver for the infrared remote control is mounted
behind the display lens on the front panel. A direct line of sight
from the listening position will ensure the maximum range.
When you have a choice, a balanced
connection will offer slightly higher sound
quality than a single-ended connection.
The Ayre KX-R offers four pairs of balanced inputs and four
pairs of single-ended inputs. Balanced connections are made via
three-pin XLR connectors, while single-ended connections are
made via RCA connectors. The inputs are labeled “1” through
“8”, and the connectors for the two channels are arranged in a
mirror-image fashion.