The CDC-MCR2 FM Modulator/Wired Commander is designed to
the FM section of any car stereo system. Please check with your
SPS/Audiovox car stereo specialist for recommendations of the
CD changer models that will work with the CDC-MCR2. The
specific details on the handling of discs and the use of the CD
magazine (loading, removal, etc.) will be found within the Owner’s
Manual of the compatible changer.
SincetheCDC-MCR2/CDchanger systemwilloperatethroughthe
FMstereosection ofyourexistingsoundsystem, adjustmentofthe
audio functions (volume, tone, balance etc.) is made by using the
controls on the car stereo. Control of disc play is by the wired
commanderoftheCDC-MCR2whichcanbe convenientlymounted
to the dashboard, as well as by the CDC-10R wireless remote
control. The output from the FM modulator of the CDC-MCR2 is
at 88.7 or 89.1 MHz. (set by the installer) on the FM band. To
simplify operation of the system, it is recommended that a pre-set
memory pushbutton on the radio be set to the selected output
frequency of the modulator. Consult the operating instructions of
the car stereo for directions on setting the memory pushbuttons.
Following the instructions in the owner’s manual of the compatible
CD changer, load the desired number of discs into the CD
magazine and insert the magazine into the changer.
Turn on the car stereo and select FM band operation. Tune the
radio to either 88.7 or 89.1 MHz. (depending on the frequency to
which the installer has set the unit) or push the pre-set memory
pushbutton that has been set as per the above description.
Turn on the changer system bypressing the Play/Pause button 2
on the commander. The display panel on the commander will
illuminate and play of the first disc in the magazine will begin.
Adjust the volume, tone, and balance to your taste by using the
controls on the car stereo.
When thelast track on adisc has played, theunit will automatically
advance to and begin play of the next disc in the magazine. When
the last track on the last disc in the magazine has been played, the
unit will automatically return to the first disc and begin play again.