1. Connect a PC or Control System
Pin RS-232 Denition
1 - Not used
2 TX Transmitter
3 RX Receiver
4 - Not used
5 GND Ground
6 - Not used
7 - Not used
8 - Not used
9 - Not used
2. RS232
Atlona’s AT-COMP-64M can be controlled via the RS-232 serial control port to allow for interfacing to a
PC, or similar third party control system.
The serial communication parameters are 9600 baud, 8 bit, No Parity and 1 stop bit
When the unit recognizes a complete command it will perform the requested action - there is no delimiter
character required.
The unit does not send out a message when a value is changed from the front panel or by IR control. If the
unit needs to be controlled via the front panel in addition to the RS232 control, you should regularly poll
the unit status to ensure the control system accurately relate the current settings.
To Switch Inputs to Outputs
SBI0XO0Y - Where X is Output Number (1-4) and Y is Number (1-6)
Unit will respond with
SBUD0XOY - Where X is Output Number (1-4) and Y is Input Number (1-6)
Example : Send Input 6 to Output 4
SBUD06O4 – Send
SBI06O04 – Rcvd