Athena Technologies AS-P4000 Speaker User Manual

Herjdjlcndj lkz gjkmpjdfntkz
Tckb gjckt ecnfyjdrb ds yt ljdjkmys uekrjcnm. pderf9 gjghj,eqnt
gj=rcgthbvtynbhjdfnm c gjkj;tybtv cf,deathf7 Elbdbntkmyj9 yj
gthtldb;tybt cf,deathf ,erdfkmyj yf ytcrjkmrj cfynbvtnhjd d jlye bkb
lheue. cnjhjye gjkyjcnm. bpvtyztn pder ,fcjd7
Nrhvbyjkjubz b Htuekbhjdfybt
Gthtlyzz Gfytkm Eghfdktybz Lbfuhfvvf 1
!7 Htuekznjh pderf cf,deathf Lfyysq htuekznjh bvttn jnyjitybt r ehjdy.
pderf dyenhtyytuj ecbkbntkz cf,deathf7 +njn htuekznjh pderf zdkztncz
ytpfdbcbvsv jn Ukfdyjuj Htuekznjhf Pderf yf dfitv ghbtvybrt7
@7 Bylbrfnjh Cnfnecf
Bylbrfnjh Cnfnecf
hfcgjkj;ty yf
gthtlytq gfytkb yfl
kjujnbgjv rjvgfybb
athena7 Bylbrfnjh
Cnfnecf ,eltn bpkexfnm
ptktysq cdtn9 rjulf
cf,death frnbdyj
ghjlewbhetn pder7
Rjulf bylbrfnjh
rhfcyjuj wdtnf9 cf,death yf[jlbncz d pfgfcyjv ht;bvt b jy ujnjd
drk.xbnmcz chfpe ;t9 rfr njkmrj cbuyfk gjckfy r cf,deathe7
Ghbvtxfybt6 D hf,jxtv cjcnjzybb fdnjdrk.xtybt b fdnjdsrk.xtybt yt
dsrk.xf.n cf,death ytvtlktyyj7 Cf,death ,eltn jcnfdfnmcz dj
drk.xtyyjv ht;bvt (bylbrfnjh cnfnecf ptktyjuj wdtnf) lj 10 vbyen gjckt
gjcktlytuj cbuyfkf9 lf;t tckb cbcntvf gjkyjcnm. dsrk.xtyf7
Pflyzz Gfytkm Lbfuhfvvf 2
!7 Htuekznjh Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Abkmnhf
htuekbhetn ehjdtym xfcnjnyjcnb cf,deathf7
Ceotcnde.ofz fvgkbnelf 40-120 Uw7 gjpdjkztn
dfv rjhhtrnyj gjlrk.xbnm dsdjl cf,deathf
rj dctv cbcntvfv7
@7 Ht;bv gthtrk.xtybz =njn gthtrk.xfntkm
cbcntvs Drk.xtyj \ Dsrk.xtyj9 rjulf
ds,hfy ht;bv “AUTO”.
D ht;bvt “AUTO” cf,death drk.xftncz b
dsrk.xftncz gjchtlcndjv gjcskfybz cbuyfkjd
kb,j jn RCA, kb,j jn kbybb ehjdyz d[jljd7
Tckb ds,hfy ht;bv “ON” cf,death ,eltn
jcnfdfnmcz d =njv ht;bvt dct dhtvz9
buyjhbhez cbcntve Drk.xtyj/ Dsrk.xtyj7
#7 Dcgjvjufntkmysq D[jl =njn d[jl zdkztncz
nthvbyfkjv vjyjajybxtcrjuj d[jlf nbgf
GHBVTXFYBT6 Gj;fkeqcnf9 gjcvjnhbnt
ctrwb. j cjtlbytybz[9 xnj,s gjkexbnm erfpfybz
rfrjq d[jl ghtlyfpyfxty lkz dfitq cbcntvs7
$7 Dscjrjxfcnjnyst D[jls +nj cjtlbytybz9
rjulf bcgjkmpe.ncz ghjdjlf cnfylfhnys[
lbyfvbrjd7 Dscjrjxfcnjnyst d[jls cjplfys
lkz bcgjkmpjdfybz d ghbtvybrf[ bkb
ecbkbntkz[9 rjnjhst yt cjdvtcnbvs c
ds[jlfvb cf,deathf RCA nbgf7 Tckb dfi
ghbtvybr cyf,;ty ds[jljv cf,deathf RCA
nbgf9 nj =njn d[jl yt ,eltn bcgjkmpjdfy7
Rfr Cjtlbybnm b Bcgjkmpjdfnm
dfi cf,death
Ght;lt xtv Ds yfxytnt ecnfyfdkbdfnm
felbj/dblbj cbcntve9 jnrk.xbnt tt jn bcnjxybrf
=ktrnhj=ythubb7 Yt jceotcndkzqnt ltqcndbz9
rjnjhst vjukb ,s ghbdtcnb r djpvj;yjve
gjdht;ltyb. cnthtj cbcntvs7
Gjlcjtlbytybt b Htuekbhjdfybt
Cf,deathf Vtnjl 1
Tckb Dfib gthtlybt lbyfvbrb ghjbpdtltys abhvjq
!7 Yf pflytq cnjhjyt ghbtvybrf ljk;ty ,snm nthvbyfk RCA nbgf c yfpdfybtv
“Subwoofer Out” (Ds[jl Cf,deathf)7 Gjlcjtlbybnt jlby nbg RCA felbj
rf,tkz jn nthvbyfkf “Subwoofer Out” r nthvbyfke “Sub Input” yf pflytq
cnjhjyt cf,deathf abhvs athena TECHNOLOGIES
(#39 cv7 lbfuhfvve #2)
@7 Gjlrk.xbnt ghjdjl FC cf,deathf r ds[jle FC7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt
dcgjvjufntkmyst ds[jls nbgf FC yf pflytq cnjhjyt ghbtvybrfAV 7
#7 Yfcnhjqnt Htuekznjh Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Abkmnhf (#19 cv7 lbfuhfvve #2) nfr9
xnj,s jy cjjndtncndjdfk vjltkb lbyfvbrf9 rjnjhsq yf[jlbncz d gthtlytq
xfcnb Dfitq cnthtj cbcntvs7 Vjltkb cthbbAudition b cthbb WS
yfgtxfnfys yf gfytkb dytiytq gjdth[yjcnb rheuf9 jrhe;f.obtq htuekznjh
Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Abkmnhf7 Yfghbvth9 tckb e Dfc lbyfvbrb AS-F19
ecnfyjdbnt htuekznjh d gjpbwb. F17
+nj gjpdjkbn yfcnhjbnm xfcnjnysq lbfgfpjy ds[jlf cf,deathf9 rjnjhsq
njxyj cjjndtncndetn Dfibv lbyfvbrfv b gjpdjkbn ljcnbxm wtkjcnyjcnb
pderf cnthtj cbcntvs ghb djcghjbpdtltybb vepsrb b abkmvjd7
$7 Yfcnhjqnt htuekznjh pderf (#19 cv7 lbfuhfvve #1) nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s jy
cjjndtncndjdfk cbuyfke ds[jlzotve bp cnthtj cbcntvs7 +nj vj;yj
gjlj,hfnm d cjjndtncndbb c dfibv kbxysv drecjv b hfpvthfvb rjvyfns7
Yfxybnt ghbvthyj c cthtlbys htuekbhjdjxyjq irfks
b yfcnhjqnt nfr9
rfr Dfv ytj,[jlbvj7
Gjlcjtlbytybt b Htuekbhjdfybt Cf,deathf Vtnjl 2
C gthtlybvb lbyfvbrfvb k.,jq lheujq abhvs
!7 Yf pflytq cnjhjyt ghbtvybrf ljk;ty ,snm nthvbyfk nbgf RCAc yfpdfybtv
“Subwoofer Out” (Ds[jl Cf,deathf)7 Gjlcjtlbybnt jlby dbl RCA felbj
rf,tkz jn nthvbyfkf “Subwoofer Out” (Ds[jl Cf,deathf) r nthvbyfke “Sub
Input” (Dcgjvjufntkmysq D[jl) yf pflytq cnjhjyt cf,deathf abhvs athena
(#39 cv7 lbfuhfvve #2)7
@7 Gjlrk.xbnt ghjdjl FC cf,deathf r ds[jle FC7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt
dcgjvjufntkmyst ds[jls nbgf FC yf pflytq cntyrt ghbtvybrf AV 7
#7 Yfcnhjqnt Htuekznjh Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Abkmnhf (#19 cv7 lbfuhfvve #2) nfr9
xnj,s jy cjjndtncndjdfk vjltkb lbyfvbrf9 rjnjhsq yf[jlbncz yf gthtlytv
rfyfkt dfitq cnthtj cbcntvjq7 Yfbkexibq cgjcj, yfxfnm gjbcr
jgnbvfkmyjq xfcnjnyjcnb zdkztncz ecnfyjdktybt htuekznjhf d
ybprjxfcnjnyjt gjkj;tybt b jnrk.xtybt gthtlyb[ lbyfvbrjd7 Gjlhj,yjt
jgbcfybt =njq jgthfwbb Ds vj;tnt yfqnb d herjdjlcndt lkz lbyfvbrjd9
rjnjhjt gjkextyj Dfvb jn b[ ghjbpdjlbntkz7 +nj njkmrj yfxfkmyfz cnflbz9
rhjvt =njuj yflj exbnsdfnm frrecnbxtcrbt jcj,tyyjcnb rjvyfns9
hfcgjkj;tybt ghb,jhf b lheubt bpvtyz.obtcz afrnjhs9 c rjnjhsvb yflj
=rcgthbvtynbhjdfnm9 htuekbhez pder cf,deathf9 b cjxtnfnm tuj pdexfybt c
hf,jnjq gthtlyb[ lbyfvbrjd7
$7 Yfcnhjqnt htuekznjh pderf (#19 cv7 lbfuhfvve #1) nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s jy
cjjndtncndjdfk cbuyfke9 ds[jlzotve bp cnthtj cbcntvs7 +nj vj;tn ,snm
ljcnbuyenj d htpekmnfnt cjjnytctybz Dfituj kbxyjuj drecf b dtkbxbys
rjvyfns7 Yfxfnm vj;yj ult-nj c cthtlbys htuekbhjdjxyjq irfks b
yfcnhfbdfnm nfr9 rfr Dfv ytj,[jlbvj7
Gjlcjtlbytybt b Htubkbhjdfybt Cf,deathf Vtnjl 3
Dscjrjxfcnjnyst Ds[jls bkb Ds[jls Lbyfvbrf
GHBVTXFYBT6 Lfyyst ds[jls ghtlecvjnhtys lkz
bcgjkmpjdfybz c ghbtvybrfvb bkb ecbkbntkzvb9 d rjnjhst yt
dcnhjty cf,death c nthvbyfkjv RCA nbgf7 Tckb dfi ghbtvybr
bvttn cf,death c nthvbyfkjv RCA nbgf9 nj htrjvtyletncz
bcgjkmpjdfnm tuj d cjjndtncndbb c jgbcfyysvb dsit bycnherwbzvb7
!7 Yf pflytq cntyrt ghbtvybrf hfcgjkj;tys ds[jls Gthtlyb[ Lbyfvbrjd7
Gjlcjtlbybnt ds[jls gfhs rf,tktq gthtlytuj lbyfvbrf ghbtvybrf c
gjvtnrjq “Speaker A” r ktdjve b ghfdjve lbyfvbrfv7
@7 Bcgjkmpez ljgjkybntkmye. gfhe rf,tktq lbyfvbrf9 gjlcjtlbybnt ds[jls
gfhs rf,tktq gthtlytuj lbyfvbrf ghbtvybrf c gjvtnrjq “Speaker A” cj
d[jlfvb Lbyfvbrf (#47 cv7 lbfuhfvve #2) yf cf,deatht abhvs athena
#7 GHBVTXFYBT6 E,tlbntcm xnj ds frrehfnyj cjgjcnfdbkb gk.c c gk.cjv
b vbyec c vbyecjv yf dct[ cjtlbytybz[ lbyfvbrf7 Rhjvt njuj9 ghjdthmnt9
xnj,s ktdsq b ghfdsq ghjdjl crhtgkzkbcm jnltkmyj b rjhhtrnyj7
$7 Gjlrk.xbnt ghjdjl FC cf,deathf r ds[jle FC7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt
dcgjvjufntkmyst ds[jls nbgf FC yf pflytq cntyrt ghbtvybrf AV 7
%7 Yfcnhjqnt Htuekznjh Ybprjxfcnjnyjuj Abkmnhf (#19 cv7 lbfuhfvve #2) nfr9
xnj,s jy cjjndtncndjdfk vjltkb lbyfvbrf9 rjnjhsq yf[jlbncz gthtl Dfitq
cnthtj cbcntvjq7 Lkz njuj9 xnj,s yfxfnm gjbcr jgnbvfkmyjq xfcnjnyjcnb9
kexit dctuj ecnfyjdbnm htuekznjh d gjkj;tybt ybprjuj ehjdyz b
dsrk.xbnm gthtlybt lbyfvbrb7 Gjlhj,yjt jgbcfybt =njq jgthfwbb ds
vj;tnt yfqnb d herjdjlcndt lkz lbyfvbrjd9 rjnjhjt gjkextyj Dfvb jn b[
ghjbpdjlbntkz7 +nj njkmrj yfxfkmyfz cnflbz9 rhjvt =njuj ytj,[jlbvj
exbnsdfnm frrecnbxtcrbt jcj,tyyjcnb rjvyfns9 hfcgjkj;tybt ghb,jhf b
lheubt bpvtyz.obtcz afrnjhs9 c rjnjhsvb yflj =rcgthbvtynbhjdfnm9
htuekbhez pder cf,deathf b cjxtnfnm tuj pdexfybt c hf,jnjq gthtlyb[
^7 Yfcnhjqnt Htuekznjh Pderf (#19 cv7 lbfuhfvve #1) nfrbv j,hfpjv9 xnj,s jy
cjjndtncndjdfk cbuyfke9 ds[jlzotve bp cnthtj cbcntvs7 +nj vj;tn ,snm
jnhtuekbhjdfyj d cjjndtncndbb c dfibv drecjv b dtkbxbyjq rjvyfns7
Yfxfnm vj;yj ghbvthyj c cthtlbys htuekbhjdjxyjq irfks b yfcnhfbdfnm
nfr9 rfr Dfv ytj,[jlbvj7
Vs bcrhtyyt yflttvcz9 xnj ds ,eltnt yfckf;lfnmcz dfibv cf,deathjv vyjubt
Ufhfynbz pf Ghtltkfvb CIF b Rfyfls
Pf ghtltkfvb Ctdthyjq Fvthbrb ufhfynbz vj;tn bpvtyznmcz d d cjjndtncndbb
c vtcnysvb ghfdbkfvb7 Enjxybnt e Dfituj htubjyfkmyjuj ghtlcnfdbntkz
rjvgfybb athena TECHNOLOGIES
j ltnfkz[ eckjdbq ufhfynbb d Dfitq cnhfyt7
Ufhfynbz lkz CIF b Rfyfls (Gjcvjnhbnt j,hfnye. cnjhjye j,kj;rb)
athena TECHNOLOGIES®, SCT™ b Create Your Sound™ zdkz.ncz njhujdsvb vfhrfvb Audio
Products International Corp. “Dolby”, “Dolby Pro-Logic”, “Dolby Digital” njhujdst vfhrb Dolby
Laboratories Licensing. “DTS”– njhujdfz vfhrf Digital Theater Systems Inc.
Caution: To prevent the risk of electrical shock, match wide blades of plug to wide slot, fully
insert. Caution: The unit is still connected to the mains even if switched off.
Read Instructions: All safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is
Retain instructions: Safety and operating instructions should be retained for future reference.
Heed Warnings: All warnings on the product & operation instructions should be adhered to.
Follow Instructions: All operating and use instructions should be followed.
Cleaning: Unplug the product from the wall before cleaning. Do not use aerosol or liquid
cleaners, just a damp cloth.
Attachments: Do not use attachments not recommended by the product manufacturer as they
may cause hazards.
Water and moisture: Do not use this product near water. Do not expose this apparatus to
dripping or splashing and ensure that no objects filled with liquids are placed on the apparatus.
Ventilation: Openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation and to ensure reliable
operation and protect it from overheating so they must not be blocked or covered by placing
the product on a bed, sofa or other similar surface. This product should not be placed in a built-
in installation such as a bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or the
manufacturer’s instructions have been adhered to.
Power Sources: This product should be operated only from the type of power source
indicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type of power supply in your home,
call your local power company.
Grounding or Polarization: This product may be equipped with a polarized alternating
current line plug. This plug will fit the power outlet in only one way as a safety feature. If you
are unable to insert the plug, try reversing it. If the plug should still fail to fit, contact your
electrician to replace your outlet. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the plug.
Power Cord Protection: Power supply cords should be routed so that they are not likely to be
walked on or pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying particular attention to
cords at plugs, convenience receptacles and the point where they exit from the product.
Overloading: Do not overload wall outlets or extension cords, as this can result in a risk of
electrical shock.
Object and Liquid Entry: Never push objects of any kind into this product through openings
as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short out parts that can result in a fire or
electrical shock. Never spill liquid of any kind on the product.
Servicing: Do not attempt to service this product yourself as openings or removing covers may
expose you to dangerous voltage or other hazards. Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.
Heat: This product should be situated away from heat sources such as radiators, heat
registers, stoves, or other appliances (including amplifiers) that produce heat.
Non-Use Periods: The power cord of the product should be unplugged from the outlet when
left unused for a long period of time.
Damage Requiring Service: The product should be serviced by qualified personnel when:
A. The power supply cord or the plug has been damaged; or
B. Objects have fallen, or liquid has been spilled into the appliance; or
C. The product has been exposed to rain; or
D. The appliance does not appear to operate normally or exhibits a marked change in
performance; or
E. Product has been dropped, or the enclosure damaged.
F. If the product does not operate normally by following the operating instructions.
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates,
uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with
the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no
guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning
the equipment on and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or
more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver
is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Please take the time to read all of the instructions contained in this manual to make
certain your system is properly installed and functioning correctly. Please retain the
carton and packing materials for this athena TECHNOLOGIES
product to protect it in the
event it ever has to be shipped to a service center for repairs. Product received damaged
by a service center that has been shipped by an end user in anything other than the
original packaging will be repaired, refurbished, and properly packaged for return
shipment at the end user’s expense.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol. Within an equilateral triangle is intended to
alert the user to the presence of uninsulated “dangerous voltage” within the products
enclosure that may be of sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to
persons. The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the user
to the presence of important operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in the
literature accompanying the appliance.
Congratulations on your purchase of athena TECHNOLOGIES
speakers! Proprietary
technology and high quality manufacturing will allow you to enjoy the most natural and
accurate music reproduction for many years. The advice offered in this manual is aimed
at helping you maximize and maintain peak performance, and therefore, your listening
satisfaction. Please take the time to read all of the instructions contained in this manual
to make certain your system is properly installed and functioning correctly.
We strongly advise that you resist the temptation to play your athena TECHNOLOGIES
speakers to their full capabilities or experiment with critical placement and listening until
they have been properly broken in. This process should last approximately 50 to 100
hours of music playback. This can be easily be done by putting your compact disc player
on Repeat mode, while playing a CD with a wide dynamic range at normal listening
is the newest division of Audio Products International Corp.,
known throughout the industry as “API”. A Canadian company founded in 1975, The API
factory is a modern 165,000 square foot research, development and manufacturing
facility located in Toronto, Canada. API is one of the largest speaker manufacturers in the
world, distributing products to over 60 countries worldwide. A talented research and
development team utilizes advanced computer-based design and sophisticated
measurement techniques in its ongoing quest for new and better acoustic technologies.
This research is based upon the years of pioneering psycho-acoustic research developed
in conjunction with the Canadian “National Research Council” (NRC), to create speakers
that achieve high performance in typical home listening environments. Extensive research
into every aspect of the speaker is analyzed and evaluated before the design stage
begins, a concept that we refer to as a holistic design approach. This method guarantees
that the finest components and materials are made and tested with sophisticated
manufacturing and quality control techniques to ensure exceptional performance that is
superior to speakers costing several times their price.
Great care and craftsmanship have gone into the construction and finish of the cabinet.
Periodically use a soft, dry or damp cloth to remove dust or fingerprints. Do not use paper
towel or other abrasive materials as it may damage the finish. Be cautious when using
liquid cleaners, please ensure the cleaner will not harm the finish. Do not spray any
liquid directly onto the surface of the subwoofer.
The usual placement for a subwoofer is near the front speakers in your system. The
closer the proximity to the front speakers, the best balance and phase relationship is
usually obtained. Be careful when placing the subwoofer too close to corners or walls as
this increases the “boominess” of the subwoofers sound. This may or may not be to your
liking. The position of the sub must be cosmetically acceptable, but keep in mind it plays
a large role in the overall sound of the system. If possible, try to locate the subwoofer as
close as possible to the front speakers.
If after set up you are unhappy with the overall sound, try experimenting with the
position of the sub. It’s surprising, but moving the unit a few inches one way or another
can make dramatic changes to the sound of the bass response.
owners manual
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol. Within an equilateral
triangle is intended to alert the user to the presence of uninsulated
“dangerous voltage” within the products enclosure that may be of
sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to persons.
The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to
alert the user to the presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying
the appliance.
Athena P-40006000-9lang printers 2/15/05 3:38 PM Page 3