Chapter 3 Solving Common Problems 19
Problem: Modem does not auto-answer.
Solution: Your modem may not be configured to auto-
matically answer incoming calls. If you want
your fax or data software to answer calls, be
sure you have selected this option in your soft-
Problem: You encounter other communications prob-
lems with your modem.
Solution: Check that your communications software has
been set up properly. Recheck the initialization
string and dial string specified in your software
manual. Remember that commands in the ini-
tialization string are sent to the modem each
time you start your software and override the
settings stored in the modem’s nonvolatile
Problem: You are uncertain about the Data Terminal
Ready (DTR) and Data Carrier Detect (DCD)
settings referred to in your software manual.
Solution: If your software requires that your faxmodem
ignore DTR (which is the faxmodem’s default
setting) and you are using the &D2 command
in the faxmodem’s initialization string or have
stored it in nonvolatile memory, your faxmodem
does not work properly. If this is the case, store
the &D0 command in nonvolatile memory.
Type: AT &D0 &W &Y0 and press Enter.
Make sure that your faxmodem initialization
string does not contain &D2.
If your software requires that your faxmodem
follow DTR, the previous considerations apply
in reverse. If you are having problems, include
&D2 in the faxmodem initialization string.
If your software requires that DCD always be
forced ON (which is the faxmodem’s default
setting), and you are using the &C1 command
in the faxmodem initialization string or have
stored it in nonvolatile memory, your faxmodem
does not work properly. If this is the case, store
the &C0 command in nonvolatile memory.