Chapter 1: Installation Instructions 17
¾ If your Encapsulation setting begins with something
other than
PPP: The EOA Interface—Add page will
open. Click Save Changes on this page (without changing
any settings on it). A screen appears to let you know that
the process was a success. Click Close to return to the
Autodetect page and notice that the Encapsulation
setting has changed from bold to regular text.
5 On the Autodetect page, click Write Settings to Flash.
6 Verify that your Internet connection is working. Open your
Web browser and try to connect to a familiar Web address.
If you connect successfully, your installation is complete
and you are ready to browse the Web!
If you want to connect more computers or a network device to
the X5, continue with Connecting Additional Devices to
the Internet on page
22. Otherwise, you are done with this
user’s guide. Enjoy your X5!
If you did not connect, see Appendix D: Troubleshooting
on page 57.
Configuring the X5 Manually
Some users may need to configure the X5’s IP settings manually,
instead of having the modem automatically configure itself.
Typically, you would manually configure your modem if:
• You already have the VPI, VCI, and Encapsulation settings
from your Internet service provider.
• You have a static IP address that you plan to use with the X5.
If this is the case, skip this section and continue with
Static IP Addressing
on page 20.
• The auto configuration process was unable to find your