Quantity of detergent to be used
The type and quantity of detergent will depend
on the type of fabric, load size, degree of
soiling and hardness of the water used.
Water hardness is classified in so-called
«degrees» of hardness. Information on
hardness of the water in your area can be
obtained from the relevant water supply
company, or from your local authority.
Follow the product manufacturers’ instructions
on quantities to use.
Degrees of water hardness
Follow the product manufacturers’ instructions
on quantities to use.
Use less detergent if:
● you are washing a small load,
● the laundry is lightly soiled,
● large amounts of foam form during washing.
1 0-7 0-15soft
2 8-14 16-25medium
3 15-21 26-37hard
4 > 21 > 37very hard
132962510.qxd 01/07/2008 10.04 Pagina 12