Connections – Using Tyros3 with Other Devices –
96 • Tyros3 Owner’s Manual
By connecting a computer to the [USB TO HOST] terminal, you can transfer data
between the Tyros3 and the computer via MIDI, and use the computer to control, edit
and organize data on the Tyros3. For example, you can use the included Voice Editor pro-
gram to edit the Tyros3’s Custom Voices.
Connecting to a Computer
You need to install a USB-MIDI driver to
connect the computer and the instru-
ment. Refer to the separate Installation
You can also use the MIDI IN/OUT ter-
minals to connect to a computer. In this
case, a USB-MIDI interface (such as the
Yamaha UX16) is needed. For more
information, refer to the owner’s manual
of the USB-MIDI interface.
A type
B type
USB cable
Precautions when using the [USB TO HOST] terminal
When connecting the computer to the [USB TO HOST] terminal, make sure to observe the following points. Failing
to do so risks freezing the computer and corrupting or losing the data. If the computer or the instrument freezes, restart
the application software or the computer OS, or turn the power to the instrument off then on again.
• Use an AB type USB cable of less than about 3 meters.
• Before connecting the computer to the [USB TO HOST] termi-
nal, exit from any power-saving mode of the computer (such
as suspended, sleep, standby).
• Before turning on the power to the instrument, connect the
computer to the [USB TO HOST] terminal.
• Execute the following before turning the power to the instru-
ment on/off or plugging/unplugging the USB cable to/from the
[USB TO HOST] terminal.
• Quit any open application software on the computer.
• Make sure that data is not being transmitted from the
instrument. (Data is transmitted only by playing notes on
the keyboard or playing back a song.)
• While the computer is connected to the instrument, you
should wait for six seconds or more between these opera-
tions: (1) when turning the power of the instrument off then
on again, or (2) when alternately connecting/disconnecting
the USB cable.