■ MIDI Data Format
1. MIDI Receive
1.1. Reception Data and Conditions
Note: <SW1> Drum voice or bass voice Send/Receive channel.
<SW2> Ignored if the pad is not set to Note Driven.
<SW3> Main volume control message.
<SW4> Expression control message.
<SW5> Program change channel.
<SW6> Bulk dump is only possible when the RY20 is in Pattern or Song
Select Mode.
<SW7> Only received in Song Play Mode.
<SW8> MIDI Sync is active.
1.2. Reception Data
1) System Real-time Messages
Timing Clock 11111000 (F8H)
Start 11111010 (FAH)
Continue 11111011 (FBH)
Stop 11111100 (FCH)
Active Sensing 11111110 (FEH)
2) Channel Messages
Note Off
Status 1001nnnn (9nH) n = 0~15 Voice Channel Number
1000nnnn (8nH)
Note Number 0kkkkkkk k = 0 (C-2)~127(G8)
Velocity 0vvvvvvv
Note: Note Off messages are only received by voices that have Note Driven set.
The bass voice will not receive Note Off messages if the drum and bass send/receive
channels are set to the same channel number.
The bass voice will respond to Note Numbers throughout a five octave range.
Note On
Status 1001nnnn (9nH) n = 0~15 Voice Channel Number
Note Number 0kkkkkkk k = 0 (C-2)~127(G8)
Velocity 0vvvvvvv Note On v = 1~127
Note: The bass voice will not sound if the drum and bass send/receive channels are set to
the same channel number.
The bass voice will respond to Note Numbers throughout a five octave range.
Control Change
Status 1011nnnn (BnH) n = 0~15 Voice Channel Number
Control Number 00001110 (07H) Main Volume
00001011 (0BH) Expression
Control Value 0vvvvvvv v = 0~127
Program Change
Status 1100nnnn (CnH) n = 0~15 Voice Channel Number
Program Number 0ppppppp p = 0~127
Note: When a Program Change message is received, the RY20 changes to the drum kit
corresponding to the received program number.
3) System Common Messages
Song Position Pointer
Status 11110010 (F2H)
Value 0lllllll l = 0~127 Least Significant
Value 0hhhhhhh h = 0~127 Most Significant
Note: Only received in Song Play Mode.
Song Select
Status 11110011 (F3H)
Song Number 00ssssss s = 0~49
Note: Only received in Song Play Mode.
<SW1> <SW2>
BnH (07H)
BnH (0BH)
Note Off
Note On
Control Change
Program Change
Bulk Dump
Song Position Pointer
Song Select
Timing Clock
Active Sensing
4) System Exclusive Messages
Bulk Dump
0 11110000 (F0H)
1 01000011 (43H)
2 00000000 (00H) Device Number (00H fixed)
3 01111110 (7EH)
4 00000100 (04H) Byte Count (MSB)
5 00001010 (0AH) Byte Count (LSB)
6 01001100 (4CH) ASCII “L”
7 01001101 (4DH) ASCII “M”
8 00100000 (20H) ASCII “ ”
9 00100000 (20H) ASCII “ ”
10 00110000 (30H) ASCII “0”
11 00110001 (31H) ASCII “1”
12 00110101 (35H) ASCII “5”
13 00110011 (33H) ASCII “3”
14 01000001 (41H) ASCII “A”
15 01001100 (4CH) ASCII “L”
16 0ddddddd Data
17 0sssssss Checksum
18 11110111 (F7H) EOX
Note: The RY20 can only receive bulk data while it is in Pattern or Song Select Mode.
A block consists of the Byte Count, the data bytes, and the Checksum. A number
of blocks are repeatedly transferred. The number of blocks transmitted or received
depends on the quantity of pattern and song data.
One byte of data is divided into 4bits MSB and 4bits LSB. It is then converted to
ASCII data for transfer.
A bulk dump consists of the following data:
System data
MIDI set-up data
Drum kit data
Pattern data
Song data
2. MIDI Transmit
2.1. Transmission Data and Conditions
Note: <SW1> Drum voice or bass voice Send/Receive
<SW2> Only sent in Song Play Mode.
<SW3> Transmits the Internal Sync.
2.2. Transmission Data
1) System Real-time Messages
Timing Clock 11111000 (F8H)
Start 11111010 (FAH)
Continue 11111011 (FBH)
Stop 11111100 (FCH)
Active Sensing 11111110 (FEH)
2) Channel Messages
Note On/Off
Status 1001nnnn (9nH) n = 0~15 Voice Channel Number
Note Number 0kkkkkkk k = 0 (C-2)~127(G8)
Velocity 0vvvvvvv Note On v = 1~127
00000000 Note Off
3) System Common Messages
Song Position Pointer
Status 11110010 (F2H)
Value 0lllllll l = 0~127 Least Significant
Value 0hhhhhhh h = 0~127 Most Significant
Note: Only active in Song Play Mode. A “part” or a “measure” may be transmitted.
Song Select
Status 11110011 (F3H)
Song Number 00ssssss s = 0~49
Note: Only transmitted in Song Play Mode. The song number is transmitted when
4) System Exclusive Messages
Bulk Dump
The data is the same as that for reception. The RY20 can only transmit bulk
data when it is in Pattern or Song Select Mode.
Note On/Off
Bulk Dump
Song Position Pointer
Song Select
Timing Clock
Active Sensing