Using, Creating and Editing Voices
Voice Creating — Voice Set
PSR-OR700 Owner’s Manual
Filter is a processor that changes the timbre or tone of a sound by either blocking
or passing a specific frequency range. The parameters below determine the overall
timbre of the sound by boosting or cutting a certain frequency range. In addition to
making the sound either brighter or mellower, Filter can be used to produce elec-
tronic, synthesizer-like effects.
● EG
The EG (Envelope Generator) settings determine how the level of the sound
changes in time. This lets you reproduce many sound characteristics of natural
acoustic instruments — such as the quick attack and decay of percussion sounds,
or the long release of a sustained piano tone.
BRIGHTNESS Determines the cutoff frequency or effective frequency range of the
filter (see diagram). Higher values result in a brighter sound.
HARMONIC CONTENT Determines the emphasis given to the cutoff frequency (resonance),
set in BRIGHTNESS above (see diagram). Higher values result in a
more pronounced effect.
ATTACK Determines how quickly the sound reaches its maximum level after
the key is played. The lower the value, the quicker the attack.
DECAY Determines how quickly the sound reaches its sustain level (a
slightly lower level than maximum). The lower the value, the
quicker the decay.
RELEASE Determines how quickly the sound decays to silence after the key is
released. The lower the value, the quicker the decay.
Cutoff frequency
These frequencies are
“passed” by the filter.
Frequency (pitch)
Cutoff range
Frequency (pitch)
Sustain level
Key on Key off