Custom Voice Creating
Custom Voice Creating
Reference 97
• FILTER RATE and FILTER LEVEL (Filter EG settings)
The FILTER RATE parameters are time-related; they determine how long it takes for the
sound’s timbre to change from level to level (as set in FILTER LEVEL).
The FILTER LEVEL parameters are filter-related; they determine how much the sound
changes in timbre over time (as set in FILTER RATE). A setting of “0” is the default value.
The 9000Pro features two independent filters. (For basic information about the filters,
see page 93.)
FILTER RATE INITIAL Sets the length of time the initial filter envelope level will be maintained. Higher values
correspond to shorter time.
Set the rate of variation between the initial filter envelope level and the levels set by the
FILTER LEVEL DECAY1, DECAY2, and DECAY3 parameters, respectively.
RELEASE Sets the rate of variation from the offset at key-release to the offset set by the FILTER
LEVEL RELEASE parameter when SUSTAIN is off.
SUSTAIN Sets the rate of variation from the offset at key-release to the offset set by the FILTER
LEVEL SUSTAIN parameter when SUSTAIN is on.
FILTER LEVEL INITIAL Sets the initial timbre of the envelope.
Set the amounts of timbre change following the elapsed time of DECAY 1, DECAY 2,
and DECAY 3, respectively.
SUSTAIN When SUSTAIN is on, this sets the final timbre of the envelope; the filter setting chang-
es to this point (at the RELEASE rate) after the key is released.
These frequencies are
“passed” by the filter.
Cutoff frequency
Range passedCutoff range
Cutoff frequency
Range passedCutoff range Cutoff range
Center frequency
Center frequency
Cutoff rangeRange passed Range passed
Sets the amount of peak resonance applied to FILTER 1.
Higher values produce more resonant emphasis.
The TYPE parameters specifies the touch-sensitivity curve to
be applied to the dynamic filters, and the SENS parameters
sets the sensitivity of the filters to touch control. Higher values
produce higher sensitivity.
Resets the currently selected EG parameters to
their most basic settings.
Sets the cutoff frequency of Filter2.
Selects the type of Filter2.
Sets the cutoff frequency of Filter1.
Selects the type of Filter1.
Filter types
LPF (Low Pass Filter) HPF (High Pass Filter)
BPF (Band Pass Filter) BEF (Band Elimination Filter)