Voice mode Song mode Pattern mode Mixing mode Master mode Utility mode File mode
mode 1
mode 2
Creating a Voice/Performance by Using the Sampling Function
MOTIF XS Owner’s Manual
1 Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (0001 –
1024). The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank
to which the selected Waveform is assigned are
automatically shown below the Waveform number.
2 Ratio
Determines the length of the post-process Sample as a
ratio of the length of the original Sample (100%). The
tempo change can be calculated as follows.
Ratio value = (original tempo/modified tempo) x 100.
Settings: 25% – 400%
3 Accuracy
Determines the quality of the resulting Sample by
specifying which aspect of the original is to be
emphasized: sound quality or rhythmic feel.
Settings: sound4 – sound1, normal, rhythm1 – rhythm 2
sound4 – sound1
These settings place emphasis on sound quality, with the “sound4”
setting producing the highest sound quality.
Produces an optimum balance of sound quality and rhythmic feel.
rhythm1 – rhythm2
These settings place emphasis on rhythmic feel, with the “rhythm2”
setting producing the most accurate rhythmic feel.
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you change the pitch of the Sample without
changing the tempo.
1 Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (0001 –
1024). The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank
to which the selected Waveform is assigned are
automatically shown below the Waveform number.
2 Pitch
Determines the amount and direction of pitch shift in
semitone increments.
Settings: -12 – +0 – +12
3 Fine
Determines the amount and direction of pitch shift in cent
increments (1 cent = 1/100th of a semitone). 1 cent is
equivalent to 1/100th of a semitone.
Settings: -50 – +0 – +50
The Job execution is divided into two stages: temporary data
conversion via the [SF4] Apply button and actual data entry via the
[ENTER] button. The Job result will be lost if you call up a different
display without finalizing the data via the [ENTER] button.
This Job lets you create a fade-in and fade-out for the
1 Key Bank
Determines the Key Bank to which the desired Sample is
assigned by specifying the Waveform number (0001 –
1024). The Key range and Velocity range of the Key Bank
to which the selected Waveform is assigned are
automatically shown below the Waveform number.
2 Fade Type
Determines the type of level fade: fade-in or fade-out.
Settings: fade in, fade out
3 Length
Determines the length of the fade-in or fade-out. When a
fade-in is selected, this parameter specifies the length of
the fade starting at the specified Start point. When a fade-
out is selected, this parameter specifies the length of the
fade starting at the beginning of the fade and ending at the
specified End point.
A Length setting of 4410 is roughly equivalent to 0.1
seconds when the Frequency is set to 44.1 kHz in the
Setup display (page 164) of the Sampling mode.
Settings: 0000000 – End point
06: Convert Pitch
07: Fade In/Out