press and hold down the [CHARACTER] button,
then press individual buttons which correspond to the
letters, numbers, or punctuation you wish to use.
You can determine which buttons produce which
alphanumeric characters by looking at the small dark
brown "reversed" type in the right comer of each
button. If you want to correct a character, continue
holding [CHARACTER] and use the DATA ENTRY
[<] or [>] buttons to move the cursor to the position
you want to change. Then re-enter the new character
(or press [SPACE] to leave a blank space).
2. Now that the voice is reasonably complete, you may
wish to store it on a RAM cartridge, or to store it in an
internal memory If you're going to use the RAM
cartridge, make sure its On-Off slide switch is set to
OFF so that the memory is not protected. You will
then have to turn off the software memory protection
in the DX7 for the cartridge or internal memories by
pressing the corresponding [MEMORY PROTECT]
button and then pressing the [OFF] DATA ENTRY
button. The memory is now ready to accept the voice.
[MEMORY SELECT- CARTRIDGE] button, depend-
ing on where you want to store the voice, then press
and hold down the [STORE] button. While holding
[STORE], press the voice selector button correspond-
ing to the specific location (1-32) in which you want to
place the voice.
That's it. The voice is now stored.
NOTE If you accidentally press a voice selector button
without holding down the [STORE] button, you will
lose the voice you have just created and will. instead,
hear the newly selected internal or cartridge voice.
HAVE NO FEAR, you can recover the "lost" voice by
using the following "EDIT RECALL" procedure:
Edit Recall "Emergency Voice Recovery"
a) Press the [FUNCTION] button to place the DX7 in
b) Press the [EDIT RECALL] button, then press the
[DATA ENTRY] [YES] button to answer the two
prompts "edit recall?" and "are you sure?".
c) You have now recovered the "lost" voice; repeat
step 3 to store the voice.
4. The voice is stored, but it is also still in the edit/play
buffer memory where you can continue to experi-
ment with it. For example, press [EDIT/COMPARE]
to return to the editing mode, and then try adjusting
some parameters. One change we recommend is to
try the different algorithms. Press (ALGORITHM
SELECT] and then change from algorithm
1 to
Notice the improvement in the piano portion of the
voice (at least we think it's an improvement), and the
change in the clarinet side of the voice.
Try all the algorithms to hear the differences they
make in the sound. You may want to experiment with
different EG settings, keyboard rate scaling, and so
forth. If you stumble across something you want to
keep, rename it and store it in another memory loca-
5. When you're done with your editing session, press
whichever [MEMORY PROTECT] button you had
originally pressed to turn off the protection (cartridge
or internal), and use the [DATA ENTRY-ON] button
to restore protection so you or someone else cannot
accidentally erase any voices. If the RAM cartridge is
where you saved the voice, also remember to turn on
its hardware memory protect switch once again.
That covers just about all the basic programming
functions of the DX7. If you've mastered this informa-
tion, you're ready to create any voice you wish. It may
take a bit of practice, but soon the instrument can be-
come an "intuitive" extension of your creative mind.
Hint If you're playing on stage, either presets or voices
you've programmed on RAM, you may want to ID these
voices by applying a length of white masking tape (ap-
propriate width) to the front panel and writing the voice
names next to the voice selector buttons.