94 DGX-630/YPG-635 Owner’s Manual
The Functions
Reverb Type 01–30 Determines the Reverb type, including off. (See the list on page 138)
Chorus Type 1–25 Determines the Chorus type, including off. (See the list on page 138)
DSP Type 001–183 Determines the DSP type, including off. (See the list on page 139)
Sustain ON/OFF
Determines whether or not panel sustain is always applied to the MAIN/
DUAL voices. Panel sustain is applied continuously when ON, or not
applied when OFF. (page 74)
Master EQ Type
1(Speaker 1),
2(Speaker 2),
4(Line Out 1),
5(Line Out 2)
Sets the equalizer applied to the speaker output for optimum sound in
different listening situations.
Harmony Type 01–26 Determines the Harmony type. (See the list on page 137)
Harmony Volume 000–127 Determines the volume of the Harmony effect.
PAT P.A.T. Type
Determines the performance assistant technology feature type. (See the list
on page 39)
PC PC Mode PC1/PC2/OFF Optimizes the MIDI settings when you connect to a computer (page 106).
Local ON/OFF
Determines whether the instrument’s keyboard controls the internal tone
generator (ON) or not (OFF). (page 106)
External Clock ON/OFF
Determines whether the instrument synchronizes to the internal clock
(OFF) or an external clock (ON). (page 106)
Keyboard Out ON/OFF
Determines whether keyboard performance data of the instrument is
transmitted (ON) or not (OFF).
Style Out ON/OFF
Determines whether Style data is transmitted (ON) via USB or not (OFF)
during Style playback.
Song Out ON/OFF
Determines whether User Song is transmitted (ON) via USB or not (OFF)
during Song playback.
Initial Setup YES/NO
Lets you send the data of the panel settings to a computer. Press [+] to
send, or press [-] to cancel.
Time Signature -
01–60 Determines the time signature of the Metronome.
Time Signature -
2, 4, 8, 16 Sets the length of each metronome beat.
Bell ON/OFF Determines whether a bell accent will be sounded (ON) or not (OFF).
Metronome Volume 000–127 Determines the volume of the Metronome.
SCORE Quantize
1(1/4 note),
2(1/4 note triplet),
3(1/8 note),
4(1/8 note triplet),
5(1/16 note),
6(1/16 note triplet),
7(1/32 note),
8(1/32 note triplet)
Depending on the song data, you can make the score more readable by
adjusting the timing of the notes.
This determines the minimum timing resolution used in the song. For
example, if there are both quarter notes and eighth notes in the song, you
should set this value to “eighth note”. Any notes or rests shorter than this
value will not be shown in the score.
Category Function Item Range/Settings Description