
Memory 109
Xilinx Blocks
Other parameters used by this block are explained in the Common Parameters section
of the previous chapter.
Xilinx LogiCORE
The block always uses a Xilinx LogiCORE: Single Port Block Memory V3.2 or
Distributed Memory V5.0. For the block memory, the address width must be equal to
where d denotes the memory depth.
The tables below indicate the widths that are acceptable for each depth.
When the distributed memory parameter is selected, LogiCORE Distributed Memory
V5.0 is used. The depth must be between 16 and 65536, inclusive for Virtex-II and
Table: Maximum Word Width for Various Depth Ranges (Virtex/Virtex-E)
Depth Width
2 to 512 256
513 to 1024 256
1025 to 2048 256
2049 to 4096 192
4097 to 8192 96
8193 to 16K 48
16K+1 to 32K 24
32K+1 to 64K 12
64K+1 to 128K 6
128K+1 to 256K 3
Table: Maximum Word Width for Various Depth Ranges (Virtex-II)
Depth Width
2 to 512 256
513 to 1024 256
1025 to 2048 256
2049 to 4096 256
4097 to 8192 256
8193 to 16K 192
16K+1 to 32K 96
32K+1 to 64K 48
64K+1 to 128K 24
128K+1 to 256K 12
256K+1 to 512K 6
512K+1 to 1024K 3