92 www.xilinx.com Virtex-5 FPGA ML561 User Guide
UG199 (v1.2) April 19, 2008
Chapter 7: ML561 Hardware-Simulation Correlation
Table 7-16 summarizes the extrapolated SI characteristics of all six test signals.
Here are some observations about extrapolated SI characteristics among these test signals:
• The Data Valid Window (DVW) values already account for the degradation caused by
ISI due to the PRBS6 test pattern. For timing analysis, two values need to be taken into
consideration appropriately. For a PRBS6 test pattern, the worst-case DVW value
(after discounting for ISI) is 82% UI for DDR2 DIMM operations.
• DDR2 write operations, as compared to QDRII write operations, have a lower noise
margin due to the always on nature of the DCI termination on the DQ signal for the
SSTL18_II_DCI I/O standard at the FPGA. Consequently, the overshoot/undershoot
margin for DDR2 write operations is higher than for QDRII write operations. The
DDR2 DIMM write operation has the lowest VIL noise margin of 107 mV.
• For read operations, the sum of VIH and VIL noise margins beyond the AC value
specifications is at least 509 mV (56.6% of VREF). QDRII read operations have the
lowest VIL noise margin of 201 mV.
• All six signals have positive values for overshoot and undershoot margins. QDRII
write operations have the lowest undershoot margin value of 30 mV.
(For Table 5-1, page 48 through Table 5-5, page 49, the recommendations remain the same
except for a clarification for DDR2 ODT as “75 ohm ODT”.)
Table 7-16: Summary of Worst-Case SI Characteristics
(% UI)
(% UI)
Noise Margin
(% VREF)
Overshoot /
Undershoot Margin
(% VREF)
DDR2 Component Write
1.27 ns
127 ps
570 mV
685 mV
DDR2 Component Read
1.29 ns
178 ps
867 mV
349 mV
1.23 ns
117 ps
253 mV
981 mV
1.23 ns
224 ps
546 mV
989 mV
1.38 ns
313 ps
687 mV
186 mV
1.45 ns
85 ps
509 mV
1183 mV