Care and Cleaning
Use care with laundry
products. They can damage finish on
the washer.
• Removeitemsfrom thewasher as soon asthe cycle ends. Excesswrinkling, color
transfer, and odors may develop in items left in the washer.
, Dry the washer top, the area around the lid opening, and the underside of the
lid. These areas should always be dry before the lid isclosed.
• Beforecleaningthewasherinterior, unplugtheelectricalpowercordtoavoid
electrical shock hazards.
, When extremely soiled items have been washed, adirty residue may remain on
the tub. Remove this by wiping the tub with a nonabrasive household cleanser.
Rinsethoroughly with water.
, The agitator or tub may become stained from fabric dye. Clean these parts with
a nonabrasive household cleanser. This prevents dye transfer to future loads.
Follow Win terizing
Instructions for cold
weather care,
• When washing is completed, wipe top and sidesof washer with a damp cloth.
Turn water faucets off to prevent pressure build-up in the hoses.
As needed, clean the cabinetwith mild soap and water. Neveruseharsh, gritty
orabrasive cleanser_, if top or lid becomes stained, cleanwith diluted chlorine
bleach [1/2 cup (120 ml) in I quart (.95 L)water]. Rinseseveral times with clear
• Removeglue residue from tape or labelswith a mixture of warm water and mild
detergent. Or, touch residue with the sticky side of the tape or label.
• Beforemovingthewasher, placeastripofcardboardorthinfiberboardunder
the front leveling legs to prevent floor damage.
Winterizing Instructions
If the washer is stored in an area where freezing can occur or moved in freezing
temperatures, followthese winterizing instructionsto prevent damageto thewasher:
1. Turn off water supply faucets.
2. Disconnect hosesfrom water supply and drain water from hoses.
3. Plug electrical cord into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
4. Add 1 gallon nontoxic recreational vehicle (RV) antifreeze to empty wash tub.
Close lid.
5. Set cycle selector knob at a spin setting. Pull out knob and let washer spin for
1 minute to drain out all water. Not all of the RV antifreeze will be expelled.
6. Push in knob, unplug electrical power cord, dry tub interior, and close lid.
7. Store washer in an upright position.
8. To remove antifreeze from washer after storage, run empty washer through a
complete cycle using detergent. Do notaddwash load.