Common dishwashing problems
Spotting and
Small particles
deposlted on
Dlshes not dry
Black marks on
chlna or white
Chlpplng or
Hard water
Water 1s not
hot enough
Not enough
detergent, or
Improper detergent
Improper loadrng
No rinse old
AIR DRY Setting used
Spray arm or arms not
rotatrng freely
“Old” detergent
Not enough
detergent, or
Improper detergent
Water IS not hot
Water pressure may
be low, dishwasher IS
not filling properly
Water IS not hot
Improper loading
No rrnse old
AIR DRY Setting used
Aluminum utensrls
rubbing against items
during washing
Improper loading
Fill detergent dispensers to capacity Use drshwasher de-
tergent with hrghest available phosphorus content May
be necessary to Install water softener
Water temperature should be at least 140 F (60 C) Set
water heater thermostat to a hrgher setting Run water at
srnk until hot before starting
Use more dishwasher detergent Use detergent wrth high-
est available phosphorus content especially with hard
Use only fresh. dry dishwasher detergent Store tightly
closed box, In cool, dry place Discard old, lumpy deter-
gent Do not ftll dispensers until ready to start dishwasher
Make sure dashes and glassware are loaded so spray
reaches all surfaces and items dram properly Do not ov-
erload Do not nest Items
Make sure large Items do not block spray from reaching
detergent dispensers
Try a bar rinse old such as Solid Jet DRY” follow package
To remove spots and film, try a vinegar rinse
1. Wash and rinse toad as usual Use AIR DRY
Remove all metal Items.
3 Put 2 cups (500 ml) white vinegar rn a container on the
bottom rack.
4 Run dishwasher through a complete washing cycle
Drying without heat may result in some spotting of glasses
and silver
Check spray arms to make sure they turn freely after load-
ing. Be sure a utensil has not prevented theirturning
Use only fresh, dry dishwasher detergent. Store tightly
closed box in cool, dry place Discard old, lumpy deter-
gent Do not fill dispensers until ready to start dishwasher
Use more dishwasher detergent Use detergent with hrgh-
est avarlable phosphorus content especially with hard
Water temperature should be at least 140-F (6O’C). Set
water heater thermostat to a higher setting Run water at
sink until hot before starting
If water pressure
low, do not use water for other purposes
whrle dishwasher
running [to assure correct fltts).
Water temperature should be at least 140-F (60-C). Set
water heater thermostat to a higher setting Run water at
sink until hot before starting
Make sure dishes and glassware are loaded SO spray
reaches all surfaces and items drain property Do not Ov-
erload Do not nest items
Try a bar rinse aid such as Solid Jet DRYa, Follow package
Allow more time when using AIR DRY Option, or use HEAT
DRY. Plastic items may need towel drying
Use care In loadlng alumlnum utensils, especially any
llghtwelght foil container. Place so they do not touch
dlshes. Remove black marks with plastic scouring pad
and a mild abrasive cleanser
Do not overload. toad glasses in the top rack only. toad
between prongs, not over them. Glasses loaded over
prongs will not be supported and may chip or break.