1. Loosen or remove center terminal block screw.
2. Place the hooked end of the neutral wire (white or center wire)
of power supply cable under the center screw of terminal
block (hook facing right). Squeeze hooked end together.
Tighten screw.
3. Place the hooked ends of the other power supply cable wires
under the outer terminal block screws (hooks facing right).
Squeeze hooked ends together. Tighten screws.
4. Replace the terminal block cover on the back of the dryer.
5. Tighten strain relief nut.
Plan Vent System
Choose your exhaust installation type
Recommended exhaust installations
Typical installations vent the dryer from the rear of the dryer.
Alternate installations for close clearances
Venting systems come in many varieties. Select the type best for
your installation. A close-clearance installation is shown below.
Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions.
Over-the-Top Installation Kit Part Number 4396028 for close
clearance alternate installation is available for purchase. For
ordering information see “Assistance or Service.”
Special provisions for mobile home installations
The exhaust vent must be securely fastened to a noncombustible
portion of the mobile home structure and must not terminate
beneath the mobile home. Terminate the exhaust vent outside.
A.Neutral wire (white or center wire)
B.Center terminal block screw
A.Exhaust hood
B.Flexible metal vent or rigid metal vent
Fire Hazard
Use a heavy metal vent.
Do not use a plastic vent.
Do not use a metal foil vent.
Failure to follow these instructions can result in death
or fire.
Over-the-top installation (also available with one offset elbow)