Use Automatic Cycles for better fabric care and energy savings
Use the Automatic Cycles to provide the most energy savings and enhanced fabric care from the dryer. During Automatic Cycles,
drying air temperature, heat pump unit temperature, and moisture level are sensed in the load. This sensing occurs throughout
the drying cycle and the dryer shuts off when the load reaches the selected dryness. Use the NORMAL dryness level to provide
optimal energy savings.
With Timed Dry, the dryer runs the amount of time set and can result in shrinkage, wrinkling, and static due to over-drying. Use
Timed Dry for the occasional damp load that needs a little more drying time or when using the drying rack.
Heat Exchanger/Condenser is heating
up the air
Air blower is cooling air
Evaporator is cooling and discharging
condensation water
HybridCare™ Heat Pump Technology
A typical dryer uses large amounts of energy; this dryer consumes a fraction of the energy by recycling and reclaiming heat.
The HybridCare™ dryer is a ventless heat pump dryer that uses a refrigeration system to dry and recycle the same air. The
laundry is dried with low temperatures; therefore it may feel cooler than expected during and after the drying process.
The heat pump dryer’s heating phase is longer than in traditional dryers. If possible, do not open the dryer door during the
process as heat can escape from the drum and can make longer drying times.
Benets of HybridCare™ Heat Pump
• ENERGY:Regeneratesenergytoreduceoverallenergy
• PERFORMANCE:Threeavailablemodesallowexibilityto
manage drying performance and energy savings.
• FABRICCARE:Capabilitytouselessheatthanventeddryer.
• VENTLESSDESIGN:Allowsinstallationinmorelocations
throughout the home.
New Sounds from HybridCare™ Heat Pump
• Dryerrunsonacompressorlikeyourrefrigeratorandyou
may notice a hum from the compressor.
• Thewaterfromwetclothesispumpedouttoyourdrain.You
may notice a gurgling sound occasionally.
HybridCare™ Heat Pump Unit