A Note To You
Thank you for buying an Estate appliance.
You have purchased a quality, wotid-chss home appliance. Years of engineering experience have gone
into its manufacturing. To ensure that you will enjoy many years of troublefree operation, we have
developed this Use and Care Guide. tl ls full of valuable information on how to operate and maintain
your appliance properly and safely. Please read it carefully. Also, please complete and mail the Owner-
ship Registration Card provided with your appliance.
Your safety is important to us.
This guide contains safety symbols and statements. Please pay special attention to these symbols and
follow any instructions given. Here is
a brief explanation of the use of each symbol.
This symbol will help alert you to such dangers
personal injury, burns, fire and electrical shock.
This symbol will help you avoid actions which
could cause product damage (scratches, dents,
etc.) and damage to your personal property.
Our Consumer Assistance Center number, l-800-253-1301,
is TOLL-FREE, 24 hours a day.
lf you ever have
question oonceming your appliance’s operation, or if you need service, feel free to
call our Consumer Assistance Center for help. When calling, you will need to know your appliance’s
complete model number and serial number. You can find this information on the model and serial
number label (see diagram on page 4.) For your convenience, bebw we have induded a handy place
for you to record these numbers, the purchase date from the sales slip and your dealer’s name and
telephone number. Keep this book and the sales slip together in a safe place for future reference.
Model Number
Purchase Date
Deafer Nama
Dealer Phone
If you smell gas:
1. Open wlndows.
2. Don’t touch electrlcal switches.
3. Extlngulsh any open flame.
4. lmmedlately call your gas
Do not store or use gasollne or
other flammable vapors and
llqulds In the vlclnlty of this or
any other appliance. The fumes
can create a flre hazard or