If You Need Service Or Assistance
Before you call for service . . .
lf you are having an operating problem, check
the chart to see what the cause might be before
you call for assistance.
Unit won’t run.
l Power cord is plugged into a live
l Firmly plug power cord into
circuit with proper voltage.
electrical outlet. Check circuit
voltage at fuse/circuit breaker box.
l Fuse has blown or circuit breaker has l Replace fuse with a time-delay
tripped. Also, check if a tirnedelay
fuse of the correct capacity. Reset
fuse has been used.
circuit breaker.
l Selector is set to OFF.
l Set Selector to another setting.
l Local power has failed.
l Wait for power to be restored.
Untt blows fuses or l Time-delay fuse being used is of
l Replace fuse with a time-delay
trips circuit breaker. correct capacity.
fuse of the correct capacity.
l An extension cord is being used.
l Do not use an extension cord with
this or any other appliance.
l Cooling circuit was turned off and on
l Wait at least 3 minutes after
again quickly.
turning cooling circuit off before
trying to restart unit.
Unit turns on and l Filter is dirty.
l Clean filter. (See page 5.)
off, or does not cool l Evaporator coils (inside) and
l Clean coils. (See page 6.)
room. condenser coils (outside) are ditty.
l There is excessive heat or moisture
l Use exhaust fans to reduce room
ifj room.
heat, or set Exhaust Vent Control
to OPEN to reduce moisture.
l Fan speed is too low.
l Set Fan Control to a higher
l Thermostat setting is too low.
l Set Thermostat Control to a higher
Normal operatlng sounds . . .
When your room air conditioner is operetlng
normally, you will hear sounds such as:
l Droplets of water hitting the condenser, causing
a “pinging” or “clicking” sound. Water droplets
help to cool the condenser.
l Air movement from the fan, especially on high
fan speed settings.
l Clicks from the cooling cycle.
Sounds also may be caused by house construc-
tion-such as vibration of the unit due to wall
construction or unsteady window mounting area.