
2. If you need service. :
If your WHIRLPOOL” appliance ever needs service anywhere m
the United States, help is lust a phone call away .to your nearest
Whirlpool franchised TECH-CARE’ service representative.
WhIrlpool maintains a nationwide network of franchised
TECH-CARE service companies to fulfill your warranty and provide after-
and maintenance to keep your WHlRLPOOL appliance
You‘ll find your nearest TECH-CARE service company listed in
ne book Yellow Pages under Washers/Dryers-RepaIr-
Should you not find a listing, dial free, the Whirlpool
COOL-LINE’ service assistance telephone number (800) 253-1301.
When calling from:
(800) 632-2243
Alaska & Hawaii
(800) 253-1121
If you move.
To make sure that your appliance IS correctly installed and to insure
its continued satisfactory operation. please telephone your nearest
TECH-CARE” service company for installation or to get the name of a
qualified Installer. (Installation cost will, of course, be paid by you.)
Helpful hints..
You can help vour TECH-CARE service representative give you
faster service if you Include the model and serial number of your appliance
when requesting serL,Ice Also. retain your sales slip and warranty to verify
your warranty status
Your TECti-CAKE service representative is specially trained in the
expert repalrlng and servicing of your WHIRLPOOL appliances. He can
help you maintain the quality orlglnally built into your WHIRLPOOL
appliance So why inot take the time. now, to look up his telephone
number and lot It down in the space provided on the cover.
3. If you have a problem. :
Call Whirlpool Corporation In Benton Harbor at the COOL-LINE
service assistance telephone number (see Step 2) or write
Mr. Stephen E. Upton, Vice President
Whirlpool Corporation
Administrative Center
2000 U.S 33 North
Benton Harbor, Michigan 49022
- If you must (Al or write. please provide. your name. address.
telephone number. tape of appliance. brand. model. serial number. date
(of purchase. the> dealt>r’s name. and a complete description of the prob-
lem Thus Information IS needed In order to better respond to your request
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