Using the Automatic Perm.
PresJReg. cycle
Use the Penn. Press/Peg. cycle to dry
permanent press and some synthetic fabrfcs.
Your dryer senses the dryness of the load and
automatically shuts off when the selected
dryness is reached. For the first few loads:
1. Set the Cycle Control Knob to point to
the asterisk (*) in your Perm. Press/Peg.
2. Feel the dried items when the dryer
If the load is drier than you like, select
LESS dry, or a setting closer to LESS dry,
the next time you dry a similar load.
If the load is not as dry as you like,
complete drying using the Timed Drying
cycle. Select MORE dry, or a setting
closer to MORE dry, the next time you
dry a similar load.
The Cyde Control Knob will not move until the
load is almost dfy or cool-down is reached.
After cooldown is complete, the Cycle Control
Knob automatically moves to an OFF area
and tumbling stops.
Using the Timed Drying cycle
Use the Timed Drying cycle to complete drying
if some items are damp after Penn. PressIFleg.
cycle drying. Timed Drying is also useful to dry
delicate items that require a short drying time,
or large bulky items.
1. Turn the Cycle Control Knob to the number of
minutes you want in the Timed Drying cycle.
2. For a damp dry, turn the Cycle Control Knob
to 30 minutes or less.
The last few minutes of this cycle are without
heat to help make the load easier to handle.