3. IMPORTANT: Dry the element completely
after cleaning. Turn on the element for a few
minutes to dry thoroughly. After the element
has cooled, use a paper towel to apply a thin
coat of salt-free oil to the surf= units to
season and restore the finish. Wipe excess oil
off stainless steel trim rings. Then heat 3-5
minutes. Some smoking may occur; this is
normal. ff surface units have dark spots
caused by grease and food, the oil treatment
will improve their appearance, but not elimi-
nate the spots.
Optional: ElectroP dressing can be applied to
the surface units to improve their appearance.
To order information for ElectroR Dressing
(Part No. 814030) write to:
Whirlpool Corporation
Attention: Customer Service Department
1900 Whirlpool Drive
LaPone, IN 46350
Call 1-800-253-1301 to order. You must have a
major credit card to order by phone.