7. Check for the resistance values of the
motor’s Main and Start winding coils, as
shown in the following table. NOTE: Main
and Start winding coils must be checked at
the motor.
8. Check the belt switch by measuring resis-
tance between the two blue wires, while
pushing up on the belt switch pulley.
• If the resistance reading goes from in-
finity to a few ohms as pulley arm closes
the switch, belt switch is okay. If not,
replace the belt switch.
This test will check the wiring to the motor and
the motor itself. The following items are part of
this system:
• Harness/connection
• Thermal fuse (electric dryers only)
• Belt/belt switch
• Drive motor
• Door switch
• Electronic control board
1. Unplug dryer or disconnect power.
2. Access the electronic control board and
measure the resistance across P1-3 and
• If resistance across P1-3 and P1-4 is in
the range of 1 to 6 ohms, replace the
electronic control board.
• Otherwise, go to step 3.
3. Check the wiring and components in the
path between these measurement points
(refer to the Wiring Diagrams in Section 7).
4. Electric Dryers Only: Check the thermal
fuse (see TEST #3b on page 6-9).
5. Check the belt switch and drive motor.
6. Remove the white connector from the
drive motor switch.
• If the resistance at the motor is correct,
there is an open circuit between the
motor and electronic control board.
Check for a failed belt switch.
Test Points
2.4 - 3.6
2.4 - 3.8
hite Connector
Drum Belt
Belt Switch Pulley
Start Winding: Blue Wire In Back And Violet Wire
Main Winding: Blue Wire In Back And White/Orange Wire
Blue Wires
Belt Switch
Belt Switch Pulley