Lint removal
Thermostats Host denlalt
Usotrlo drya with bti
puwl ranovad
Gas dryer with lower tront-
Poce8S p-d removed
Lint can gather inside the dryer and be
a fuel for fire. tt is recommended the
lint be removed every 2 to 3 years, or
more often, depending on dryer
usage. Cleaning should be done by a
qualified person. lf you have any
questions, please call our Consumer
hhtance Center at 1-800-253-l 301.
Personal fnJluy Hazard
l Unplug the power supply cord
of turn off the
bctftcel power
before removing dryer panels.
. Make SW. the dryer b cool.
l hyer pms can have sharp
0dg0a Uw car0 when han-
l When repbclng front psnel
after lint removal, the wire clips
holding the doer awftch wlree
must bs anchored to top of
front Md sldo pneb. wires
MUST NOT touch rotatfng
drum. (See pago 13, sfap 7.)
Fallun to do ao could result In
and has a lower front access panel:
1. Unplug the power supply cord or
turn off the electrical power.
2. Remove bade panel (electric) or
bwer front access panel (gas). See
lnstallatii Instructions.
3. Remove lint from shaded area in
illustration with a soft brush or
vacuum deaner. Avoid damaging
wires, thermostats (elect@. funnel
(gas) or igniter (gas).
4. Replace panel; reconnect and
level dryer again, if necessary.
NOTE: See page 13 if your dryer is
gas and has a full front panel.