Using Your Dryer
1. Put the sorted load in the dryer
and close the door tightly.
2. Turn the Cycle Control Knob to
the cycle you want.
0 Lse ‘he Autc,mci-1: sy 1_
ry.i ‘sr w;s:
&ldc Start ‘,s. Iti; +i;i. c, ;r ?-- ct ‘PF
middle cf 3r /;~,t :rr‘c! 1 Z Vc’e See
uage 6 for rr ore I f ,rrl c:t~ -‘r
Use TIMED DRY I\JG f rr arvlng a certalr
number of m~nut~c ‘or --r damp dryrIg
fluffl:,g ‘or t~~rnb~i~~y lte,r-s :,~th(out air
Turr-, the
the crying temperaturcf -ire&d f-or th-
oad See page
iI f?r sr,uqested
_ .
settlr gs
4. Push the Start Button.
Mcke sure the door, :I =sea a7d the
Cycle ‘Control 1s set f t-e door is
opened during :“e :v I.1 ‘he dr;/er .: ~
To restart the dryer,
cl’ose tne
door and bush tre Cta,+ R,l+tor;
5. To stop the dryer:
Open the door
Or ‘urn tne Cyc 10 87: r,.‘:l Knob to O’I+
of the OFF positlcJns
change the setting while the
is running,
turn the Cycle Control
Knob, either way so it points to the Seth
IMPORTANT To help reduce wrin
kl,ng fake the
l::cd fr3m the aryer OS
sc,orl as turmbl~~-,~ s+ir:s THIS 15 very
Nmportant for r~ermor~er~t press krl’s
ard other svnt-e’lc *abrics
Drying limes
V&err1 dryers are designed i6V~+”
aryl-,g temperatures reeded t’o safe sV
ha-c e modern fabrics Cool-dewr’
times have been added to I?ea+ set
t:ngs You --lght notice slight y onger
3ir g times
The time I* takes to drk a load
leper& or
-i>? h ‘7~1 + + I.+;’ < +/ :,e g”’ ;‘: ! ‘“t:
) .‘c:, )+ +‘:e GJ : A large load of leans
$,I I take a lot longer to dry thar o small
load of light svnthetics
-ne ,;‘TO,,‘)‘()f ,-nc;j+,,re r +,,e ,~‘J~;
To~+yc?ls hold a lot of moisture synthetics
don t Synthetics dry faster
. ‘ti’y>per ;‘t,,ri:
0’ *he ‘t?se vm~;fer Cold
rlr-ses help save on energy ar83 wrinkles
but a cold load WIII take slightlv ‘anger
+c dry than a warm one
. ‘:,7yL,>“’ [If
,,~t 3’1 +he sccee*’ A ful lint
screen slobs the air flow and can make
drying time onger
%:?,7‘ iemoerature The dryer heats
room a r If tne room air temperature
IS not above 45 F (7 2 C], the automatic
cycle ~111 not advance the timer and
shut off the dryer Use Trmed Dvlng as a
temporary way of drying a load Drving
times WI/I be longer due to the cold air
Removal of wrinkles may be poor
l proper ,PS:JI/~+I~~~ :fn~j exh:fus? SI/S
tr--s For the fastest possible drying
tlrne installing and exhuustrng your
dryer properly IS important See ~nstalla
tion instructions
Be careful not to overdry. Overdry-
ing can cause shrinkage, damage
to some fabrics and static cling.