2. If you need assistance*...
Call Whirlpool COOL-LINE ’ serv-
ice assistance telephone number.
Dial free from:
Continental U.S. . (800) 253-1301
Michigan . . . . . . . (800) 632-2243
Alaska & Hawaii (800) 253-1121
and talk with one of ourtrained Con-
sultants. The Consultant can instruct
you in how to obtain satisfactory op-
eration from your appliance or, if
service is necessary, recommend a
qualified service company in your
3. If you need service*. . .
Whirlbool has
a nationwide net-
_ work of franchised
ice Companies.
1 TECH-CARE serv-
ice technicians are trained to fulfill
the product warranty and provide
after-warranty service,anywhere in
the United States. To locate TECH-
CARE service in your area, call our
COOL-LINE service assistance tele-
phone number (see Step 2) or look in
your telephone directory Yellow
Pages under:
1. If you have a problem*. . .
Call our COOL-LINE service as-
sistance telephone number (see
Step 21 and talk with one of our Con-
sultants, or if you prefer, write to:
Mr. Robert F. Gunts, Vice President
Whirlpool Corporation
Administrative Center
2000 US-33, North
Benton Harbor, Ml 49022
.If you must call or write, please pro-
vide: model number, serial number,
date of purchase, and a complete
description of the problem. This in-
formation is needed in order to bet-
ter respond to your request for
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of Whirlpool Corporotlon for
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WIII fit right and work right because they are
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