Installation tips
l Handle the air conditioner with care. Watch
l Do not install the air conditioner in an area
out for the sharp metal fins on the front
where the front panel will be exposed to
and rear coils.
heat sources that will raise the panel
l Be sure your air conditioner does not fall
surface temperature above 120°F (50°C).
out of the opening during installation.
Window installation
1. Remove the ground wire and screw from
the front of the unit base. Save grounding
screw for reattachment in Step 23.
2. Attach 3/g” (10 mm) seal strip (A) to
bottom of both side mounting brackets
(sides with screw holes). Cut strips to
length and save extra for use later.
3. Attach side mounting brackets (B) to
cabinet. Place side mounting brackets on
cabinet so bent edge is toward front of
cabinet. Attach each with 2 hex-head
metal screws (C).
4. Slide unit out of cabinet. Grasp handle
and slide unit straight out of cabinet. Place
unit on cardboard to protect your floor.
5. Place empty cabinet in window. Lower
window sash to hold cabinet in place.
Make sure the cabinet is centered in the
window opening.
6. Measure width of window channel and
subtract thickness of filler board. Cut
foam blocks 1/4” (6 mm) wider than this
measurement. The blocks will be used
later in Step 15.
7. Determine proper size for filler board
(D). Measure the distance from the right
edge of the cabinet to the inside of the
right window channel. Then add KY”
(3 mm) to that measurement. Repeat for
left side.
continued on next page