• Span (Spanned) - Combines drives into a linear fashion to create one large
logical volume. Unlike RAID 0, which “stripes” all data bitwise to all drives, the
volume is linear across both drives. A spanned drive is literally like a single bigger
drive, in that files written to the volume earlier go to the “beginning” of the volume,
on the first physical drive. As the volume fills, files written later are written toward
the “end” of the volume, on the second drive. Like RAID 0, no data redundancy is
provided. If one of the drives fails, all data is lost.
• RAID 5 - Requires a minimum of 3 drives to implement. Similar to RAID 0 but
adds fault tolerance by including parity information with the data. Parity is
generated on Writes, recorded in a distributed location, and checked on Read. In
this mode, failure of a single drive does not cause loss of data.
To configure the Manage RAID tab:
Note: Be sure to back up all data before configuring RAID. All data stored in the hard drive is lost
when changing the RAID configuration.
1. Click the Manage RAID tab.
2. Select a RAID configuration
DataVolume is the default volume.
3. Click Submit.