Grease an MIO x 69mm Boit (93), Orient the Leg
Lever (32) with the shoton the side shown, Attach
the Leg Lever to the Front Leg (31) with the Boit
and an MIO Nyion Locknut (71), Do not over-
tighten the Locknut; the Leg Lever must be
able to pivot easily.
Attach the Seat Knob (43) to the Seat Carriage
(48) with two M6 x 13mm Boits (105) and two M6
NyHon Locknuts (69), Make sure that the slot in
the Knob is aJigned with the slot in the Seat
Carriage, as shown.
Orient the Seat (41), the Seat Backing (42), and
the Seat Carriage (48) as shown, Attach the Seat
and the Seat Backing to the Seat Carriage with
four M6 x 16mm Screws (11),
Puli out the Seat Knob (43) as far as it wHi go, and
set the Seat Carriage (48) on the Bench Rail (23),
Looseiy attach two 8mm Metai Spacers (45), a
60mm Metai Spacer (44), and two Bearing
Wheeis (46) to the center hobs in the Seat
Carriage (48) with two M8 Fiange Nuts (47) and
the M8 x 114mm Axie (102), Make sure that the
serrated edge of the Flange Nuts are against
the Seat Carriage.
While a second person presses down on the Seat
(41), hold the wheel assembly firmly against the
bottom of the Bench Raii (23) and properiy tight-
en the M8 FHange Nuts (47), Make sure that
three threads are eĆtending past the Nuts, and
that the wide sides of aH six Bearing Wheels
(46} are pressed against the Bench Rait.
Engage the Seat Knob (43) into an adjustment
hob in the Bench Rail (23),
iii i
32-_// Slot /o
11 11