To order replacement pads, simply cell our Customer Service Department toll-freeat 1-800-999-3756, Monday
through Fdday, 6 a.m. until6 p.m. Mountain Time (excludingholidays).To help us assistyou, please be pre-
pared to give the followinginformation:
• The MODEL NUMBER of the product (WESY59421)
• The NAME ofthe product(CrossBowby WELDER" resistancesystem)
• The SERIAL NUMBER of the product (see the front cover ofthis manual)
• The KEY NUMBER and DESCRIPTION of the part(s) (see the PART LISTand EXPLODED DRAWING inthe
center ofthis manual)
ICON Health & Fitness, Inc. (ICON), warrantsthis product to be free from defects in workmanship and
material, under normal use and service conditions.ICON warrantsthe resistancecrossbowsfor the life-
time of the product,the seats and vinyl for a pedod offive (5) years from the date of purchase,and all
other partsforfive (5) years.Thiswarrantyextends onlyto theodginalpurchaser.ICON's obligationunder
this warranty is limitedto replacingor repairing,at ICON's option, the productthrough one of itsauthor-
izedservice centers.All repairsfor whichwarrantyclaimsare made mustbepre-authodzed by ICON. This
warranty does not extend toany productor damage toa productcaused by or attdbutableto freight dam-
age, abuse, misuse, improperor abnormal usage or repairs notprovidedby an ICON authodzed service
center; productsused for commemialor rental purposes; or productsused as store display models. No
otherwarranty beyondthat specificallyset forthabove is authorizedby ICON.
ICON is not responsible or liable for indirect,specialor consequentialdamages arising out of or in con-
nectionwith the use or performanceof the productor damages with respectto any economic loss,loss
of property,lossof revenues or profits,loss of enjoymentor use, costs of removal or installationor other
consequentialdamages ofwhatsoever nature. Some states do notallowthe exclusionor limitationof inci-
dental or consequentialdamages. Accordingly, the above limitationmay not applyto you.
The warrantyextended hereunder is in lieu of any and all other warrantiesand any impliedwarrantiesof
merchantabilityor fitness for a particularpurposeislimitedin itsscope and durationto the terms set forth
herein.Some states do not allowlimitationson how longan impliedwarrantylasts.Accordingly,theabove
limitationmay not applyto you.
Thiswarrantygives you specificlegaldghts. You may also haveotherrightswhichvaryfromstateto state.
ICON HEALTH & FITNESS, INC., 1500 S. 1000 W., LOGAN, UT 84321-9813
Part No. 192239 R1202B Pdnted in China © 2002 ICON Health & Fitness, Inc.