When using electri c gardeni ng appli ances, basic safety pr ecauti ons should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, el ectric sho ck, and serious injury. The wa rning s an d
safe ty instruc tions in this man ual mu st be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric
shock, or inju ry , and to provide rea sonable safety and ef ficiency in using this unit. The
operator is responsible for followi ng the warnings and i nst r ucti ons in this manual and on
the uni t . Read t he enti r e instructi on manual before ass embl i ng and usin g the u nit ! Re-
str ict the use of this unit t o persons who read, under st and, and follow the warn i ngs and
inst ructions in this ma nua l and on the unit. Never allow chi ldren to use this un it. Do not
allow the unit to be used as a toy. Close att enti on is necessary when used near childr en.
Always disconnect uni t from power sourc e before servicing, cleaning, perfor mi ng main-
tenance, or st or ing. Nonc onf or mi ng r eplacement components or t he removal of saf et y
devices may cause damage to the unit and possible injury t o the operat or or byst anders.
Use onl y accessori es and replacement parts as r ecommended. Use only for j obs ex-
plained in t hi s manual.
S Always wear safety glasses or similar eye
protection when operating, servicing, or
performing maintenance on your unit.
We aring eye protection can help to pre-
vent rocks or debris from being blown or
ricocheting into eyes and face which can
result in blindness or serious injury.
S Always we ar a re spirator or face mask
when wor king with the unit in dusty envi-
S Dress safely in long pants. Do not go
barefoot or wear short pants or s andals.
S Do n ot opera te t he unit when you are
tired, ill, upset, or if you a reunder the influ-
ence of alcohol, drugs, or medicat ion.
S Secure hair s o it is a bove shoulder length.
Keep loose hair, loose clothing, fingers,
and al l other parts of the body away from
openings and moving parts. Hair , jewelry,
loose clothin g, or clothing with loosely
hanging straps, ties, t assels, etc., can be
caught in moving parts.
Avoi d a dangerous environment. To r e-
duce the risk o f electri cal shock, do not
use i n rain, in damp or wet locati ons, or
arou nd swimm ing pool s, hot tubs, etc. Do
not expose to sno w, rain, or w at er to avoi d
the possi bility of electrical shock. Do not
use on wet surf aces. Donot handleex ten-
sion co r d plug or unit wit h wet hands.
Avoi d dangerous situat i ons. Do not use in
the pre sence of flammable liqui ds or
gases to avoid creating a fire or explosion
and/or causing damage to unit . Do not
abuse cord. Never car r ythe unitby the ex-
tension cor d or y ank extensioncordto dis-
connect u nit . To unplug, grasp the p l ug,
not the cord. Do not use cord as a handle,
close a door on cord, or pul l cor d around
sharp edges or corners. Turn off all con-
tr ol s bef or e unpl ugging. Do not exp ose
cords to heat,oil, or wat er. Do not usewith
damaged cord or plug. If unit is not w ork-
ing a s it should, has been dr opped, dam-
aged, left outdoors, ordropped into water,
return it to your au thor ized service dealer
for repair. Unplug the unit from t he power
source when not in use, befor e servi ci ng,
cleaning, perfor mi ng mai nt enance, or
stor ing. Do not put any object int o open-
ings. Do n ot use wit h any op ening
blo cked ; keep free of dust, li nt, hai r and
anything that m ay reduce ai r f l ow.
S Use only a voltage s upply as shown on
the nameplate of the unit .
S A void dangerous environments. Do not
use in unventilated a reas or wh ere dust or
explosive vapors can build up.
S To reduce the risk of ele ctrical shock, use
extension cords specifically marked as
suitable for outdoor a ppliances. The elec-
trical rating of t he cord must not be less
than t he rating of the unit. The cord must
be marked with the suf fix “W”. Make sure
your extension cord is in good condition.
Inspect ext ension cord before u se and re-
place if d amage d. An undersized exten-
sion cord will cause a drop in line voltage
resulting in loss o f power and overheat-
ing. If in doubt, use t he next heavier
gauge. The smaller t he gauge number ,
the heavier the cord. (NOTE: The correct
size to be used depending on the cord