drop in line vo ltage res ulting in loss of
power and over heati ng. If in doubt, use
the next heavi er g auge. The smal l er the
gauge n umber, the heavier the cord.
(NOTE: The cor rect si ze t o be used de-
pending on the cord lengt h is shown in
this manual. See
in the ASSEMBLY sect ion) .
S D o not use multipl e cords.
S Keep th e extensio n cord clear of opera-
tor and obstacl es at all times.
S Tie cord to cord ret ainer and con ne ct to
rece sse d plug as shown in this manual
to prevent damage to unit and/or exten-
sion cord and to red uce the possibility of
the extension cord di sconnecting from
the unit d uri ng operat i on.
S D o not attempt to repair unit . I nspect the
insulat i on and c onnector s on the unit
and extension cord before each use. If
there is any damage, do not use unt il
damage is rep air ed b y your autho ri zed
service dealer.
S D o notusethe unit i f t he swit ch does not
turn the uni t on and off properly . Have
the unit repair ed by your author i zed ser-
vice d ealer.
S Avoi d accidental star t i ng. Be sure the
switch is in the
OFF positi on and keep
your hand and fi ngers away from t he
switch while connect ing th e un it to the
power source or when car r yi ng a uni t
connected to the power source.
S Av oid a ny body cont ac t w it h any
grounded conductor, such as metal
fences, or pipes, to avoid the possibility
of elect r ic shock.
S Ground Fault Cir cuit Inter r upter (GFCI)
protect i on should be pr ovided on t he ci r-
cuit or outlet t o be used for thi s unit. Re-
ceptacles are avail able having buil t - i n
GFCI protecti on and may be used for
this me asure of safety.
S Stop the motor immediately if you are
This un it is double insulated to help
protect a gainst electric shock. Double
insulation construction consists of two
separate “layers” of electrical insula-
tion instead of grounding.
Tools and appliances built with a
double insulation sy stem are not in-
tended to be grounded. No grounding
means is provided on this unit, nor
should a means of grounding be add-
ed to this unit. As a result, the exten-
sion cord used with your unit can be
plugged into any standard 120 volt
electrical outlet. Safety precautions
must be observed when operating any
electrical tool. The double insulation
system only p rovides added protection
against injury resulting from a n internal
electrical insulation failure.
All ele ctr i cal repair s to this unit, including
housing, switch, motor, etc.,must be diag-
nosed and repai r ed by qualifi ed service
personnel. Replacement parts for a
double i nsulat ed appli ance must be iden-
tical t o t he par ts they re place. A double in-
sula ted appliance i s m arke d with the
word s “double insula tion” or “double insu-
lated” . The symbol
(square wit hi n a
square) may also be marked on the ap-
pliance. Failure to have the unit repaired
by authori zed service personnel c an
cause the double insulation construction
to become inef f ecti ve and result in seri ous
injur y.
S Do not set the unit on any surface ex-
cept a clean, har d area whil e the unit is
running. D ebri s such as gravel, sand ,
dust , grass, etc., could b e picked up by
the a irintake a n d thr o w n ou tthrough the
discharge opening, damaging the unit,
prop erty , or caus ing serious injury to by-
standers or oper ator.
S Do not over r each or use from unstabl e
surfaces such as ladders, tr e es, steep
slope s, roof t o ps, etc. Use extr a care
when cleaning on stairw ays. Keep firm
footi n g and balance at all time s. Keep
hands out of tubes.
S Inspect the ent ir e unit befor e each use
for worn, loose, missing, or damaged
parts. Do not use unt il the unit is in
proper wor king or der.
S Th is unit is doub le insulated. Se e the
section. Have all int ernal service per-
formed by qualified servi ce repair per-
sonnel to avoid creati ng a hazard or
voiding yo ur war ranty .
S Have all maintenance other than the
recom m en ded procedu res described in
the instructio n manual perfor m ed by
your authori zed service dealer.
S Always see your author i ze d ser vi ce
dealer to replace a damaged impell er.
Parts that are chi p ped, cracked,broken,
or damaged in any other way can fl y
apart and cause serious inj ur y. Replace
damaged p a rt s before usi ng the un it.