
When operating unit, stand as shown and
check for the following:
S Wear eye protection and heavy clothing.
S Hold tr igger handle with right hand and as-
sist handle with left hand.
S Keep unit below waist level.
S Cu t only from your right to your left to ensure
debris is thro wn aw ay f rom you. With out
bending ove r , keep line near and parallel to
the ground (perpendicular when edging) and
not crowded into material being cu t.
The cut ting head advances line automati-
cally. Do nottap h eadontheground toad-
vance line. This may break parts andcause
cutting head to m alfunction.
Upon unit star t up, the line will advance auto-
matically to the correct cutting pa th length.
Always keep theshield i n plac ewhen thetool
is being operated.
WARNING: Us e onl y 0.065 inch
(1.65 mm) diameter round line. Other sizes
and shapes of line will not advance properly
and will result in improper cutting head func-
tion or can cause serious injury. Do not use
other materials such aswire, string, rop e,etc.
Wire can break off duringcuttingand becom e
a dangerous missile that can cause serious
injury. See page 2 for warning concerning
other cutting devices.
Hold the bottom of the trimmer head about 3
inches (8 cm) above theground andat anan-
gle. Allow only the tip of the l ineto make con-
tact. D o not force trimmer line into work area.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
While holding the trimmer in operating posi-
tion, you can press this button and twist the
lower portion 180_ clockwise for edging.
While edging, allow the tip of the line to m ake
contact.Do notforce theline. Theedgeguard
helps protect the unit and keeps the unit fr om
contacting the ground. Take ext ra caution
while edging as objects ca n be thrown from
the trimmer line.
The scalping technique removes unwanted
vegeta tion. Hold t he b ottom of the trimmer head
about 3 inche s (8 cm) above the ground and at
an angle. Al low the tip of the line to strike th e
ground around tree s, posts, monuments, etc.
This technique increases line wear.
Your trimmer is ideal for mowing in places
conventional lawn mowers cannot reach. In
the mowing position, keep the line parallel to
the ground. A void pressing the head into the
ground asthis canscalpthe g roundanddam-
age the tool.
The fanning action of the rotating line can be
used for a quic k and easy clean up. Keep the
line parallel to and above the su rfaces being
swept and move the tool from side to side.