288 VT1422A Command Reference Chapter 7
DIAGnostic:TEST:REMote:SELFtest? (@<ch_list>) executes a self-test on a
single Remote Signal Conditioning Unit connected through the VT1539A SCP. An
example of an RSCU is the VT1529A/B Remote Strain Bridge Conditioning unit.
• The <channel> parameter may contain only any single channel number on a
Remote Signal Conditioning Unit. All channels on that RSCU will be tested.
• Returned Value:
The data type for this returned value is int16.
• Failure Information for +1 return: The FIFO buffer will contain pairs of values.
The first value will be the test number that failed followed by the failing
channel number. The following are descriptions of the various tests:
Test 1: This test alternates calibration source and short on all channels.
Expected values are less than
±45 mV on channels 0,2,4,6,8,...30
and about 3.2 volts on channels 1,3,5,7,...31.
Test 2: This tests the calibration source setting on all channels.
Expected values are approximately 3.2 volts on all channels.
Test 3: This tests the calibration short setting on all channels.
Expected values are less than
±45 mV on all channels.
Test 4: This tests a random channel list and wrap around of the list.
The channel list is channels 12, 7, 21, 14, and 10. The test supplies
eight triggers, so the expected final channel is 21. The voltages on those
channels is expected to be: 3.2, 0.0, 0.0, 3.2, and 3.2 volts respectively.
If a failure occurs, the channel number is reported – NOTE that for the
second pass (the wrap) of channels 12, 7, and 21, a failure is logged in
the FIFO by adding 32 to the channel number (i.e., if the VT1529A/B were
tested at channel 10000 and the seventh trigger point had bad data, the failure
would be logged as 10039).
Range of
channel channel list (string) 10000 - 15731 none
Value Meaning Further Action
0 Self-test OK None
≥1 Error during
remote self-test
Test number of first failure. See
comments for test information in FIFO.
-1 Couldn’t start
remote self-test
Query the Error Queue (SYST:ERR?)
See error messages starting on page 453.