Program data
Data can take many forms, as follows:
Decimal Numeric Data is a flexible numeric format which encompasses integer, fixed point and
floating point (mantissa and exponent) representations. Data is rounded to a resolution appropriate
to the function. Decimal data can, in most cases, be followed by the appropriate units. If no units
are present, the specified default units are assumed.
Character Data is an alphanumeric word.
String Data consists of a number of 7-bit ASCII characters enclosed in quotes, either a pair of
single ('ASCII 39') or double ("ASCII 34") quotes may be used.
Some commands can accept Multiple Data items which are separated by commas, for example
Message exchange protocol
The controller should not attempt to read a response until it has sent the entire query message
(terminated by EOM). Also, it should not start to send a new message until it has read the entire
response (terminated by EOM). The query message may contain more than one query message
unit, but only one response message (containing several response message units) is generated.
Failure to follow the protocol will generate a query error:
INTERRUPTED (error 450) occurs when the controller starts to send a new message before having
read the response to a preceding query.
UNTERMINATED (error 451) occurs when the controller attempts to read a response without
having sent a query.
DEADLOCK (error 452) can only occur if the input and output buffers are both filled by the
controller having sent an extra long message containing several query message units.
These instruments have an input buffer of 256 characters and an output buffer of 256 characters.
Common commands and queries (IEEE 488.2)
The IEEE 488.2 standard defines a set of common commands and queries which implement
common system functions.
Common command and query mnemonics are preceded by an asterisk (*) to distinguish them from
device dependent data such as instrument programming strings. The following common commands
and queries are implemented in the instrument:
Mnemonic Name and Description
Identification Query. Returns an arbitrary ASCII response comprising four data
fields in the format:
<manufacturer>,<model>,<serial number>,<software part number and issue number>
where: <manufacturer> is IFR ,<model> is the instrument model number, 3002.
<serial number> is the instrument serial number in the form nnnnnn/nnn, where
n is an ASCII digit in the range 0 to 9.
<software part number and issue number> is in the form nnnnn/nnn/n.nn, where
n is an ASCII digit in the range 0 to 9.
Example: IFR,3002,811152/011,44533/445/01.00<EOM>
*OPT? Option Identification Query. Returns an arbitrary ASCII response containing a dat
field for each fitted option in the format:
<option a>,<option b>, ... ,<option n><EOM>
If no options are fitted, ASCII '0' is returned.
Because an Arbitrary ASCII Response ends with the Response Message Terminator
(<EOM>) either *IDN? or *OPT? must be the last Query Message Unit in a Program