VCH & VRT SERIES OVENS F-41162 (07-10)
The Cook & Hold Oven System is much
more than a prime rib oven. Unlike our
competitors, you can do a full range of
bakery products. By observing a few
simple rules, you can bake: cakes,
muffins, cookies, pies, breads, puff
pastry, and even beautiful (light as a
cloud) popovers and cream puffs.
For Bakery Products:
1. Pre-heat oven before baking.
2. Observe proper loading
3. Proof yeast products about 50%
less than usual.
4. Rotate pans, when product is
about ½ done, as you would with
any oven.
Baking time takes a little longer in the
Cook & Hold Oven, but the results are
worth the few minutes extra.
You are baking with about 6000
BTU’s compared to 60,000 to 80,000
BTU’s in a convection oven. During
the extra baking time, think about
how you want to invest your energy