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2. Press the OK/Reset button on the control lever for the multifunction
display and keep pressed for 2 seconds.
For details please refer to your vehicle's operating manual.
11.4 Applications for electric vehicles
11.4.1 Opening the applications for electric vehicles
1. If necessary, tap on (Main menu) to open the START
2. In the S
TART window, tap on Car info > EV interface.
The last active application for electric vehicles will open.
At the bottom edge of the screen is a button showing the name of
the active application: e-manager, Power flow or Energy recovery.
► Tap on this button to open one of the non-active applications.
11.4.2 Power flow
This application presents your vehicle's charging and consumption
states in graphic form.
► Open the Power flow application (see "Opening the applications for
electric vehicles" on page 119).
You will see an animated representation of your vehicle's current
charging and consumption states. From the presentation of the battery
you can see how full it is still.
The following states can be presented:
The vehicle is moving, the driver has his foot on the accelerator.
Energy is being consumed from the battery.