
V-MODA Premier Limited Warranty
V-MODA warrants the owner of the product against defects in materials or workmanship
as declared below:
• V-MODAwillrepairorreplacetheproductatnochargefortwo(2)yearsfromthe
date of purchase.
• ProductsmustbepurchasedfromaV-MODAauthorizeddealer.
• Afterthewarrantyperiod,orincaseswherethePremierLimitedWarranty
does not apply, the consumer may contact V-MODA customer service
to request 50% off a replacement V-MODA headset* (see next page).
This warranty does not cover shipping, installation and removal of any
other costs. Proof of purchase may be required and should be retained.
• ThisPremierLimitedWarrantydoesnotcovercosmeticdamage,actsofGod,
misuse, accidents, commercial use, and modification to the product, improper
connection, improper use or attempted repair by unauthorized distributors
renders this warranty null and void.* (see next page)
• Thiswarrantydoesnotcoverproductspurchasedopenbox,soldas-is,byprivate
party resale or any other third party purchases from unauthorized distributors.
Transfer of V-MODA products through unauthorized distributors renders this
warranty null and void.
• Aproofofpurchasemaybeintheformofareceiptorbillofsale,withthemodel
of the product, price and the date of purchase stated.
V-MODA is not responsible to repair or replace the product if in violation of this warranty.
This warranty gives the purchaser specific legal rights, you may also have other rights which
vary from state to state that may result in the change of this warranty.*
To obtain service under this warranty agreement, properly protect the product in a shipping
package, as we are not responsible for items lost or damaged in transit, and include a copy
of the original receipt.
Please visit v-moda.com/support for further instructions, in order to fill out the online
warranty form and for the current V-MODA warranty mail stop mailing address.
To acquire a printable version of this warranty, please visit v-moda.com/support. For
customer service inquiries, please e-mail support@v-moda.com. You may also call
1.888.VMODA.LA Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm (PST).
* V-MODA Immortal Life Program - 50% off lifetime discount
Music doesn’t break headphones, extreme listeners do. Fortunately, with the V-MODA
Immortal Life Program, we’ve got your back. We understand that head-banging or sky diving
while listening to your headphones can result in unforeseen circumstances. We don’t judge.
(continue on page 11)