Besides fixed standard functions, there are selectable
standard functions and optional functions.
Selectable standard functions can be selected by chang-
ing over The CP Unit switches and by establishing
station No. 200 programming. Optional functions can be
made available by using external equipment or additional
1. Standard Functions
1) Automatic Line Release
The calling Station is released from the speech path
if dialing is not completed within 5 seconds. The
calling station is also released from the speech path if
no response is given within 10 seconds, when calling
a station in the privacy mode.
2) Camp-on-Busy
When the called party is busy, the caller can camp-on
the line. After the conversation is finished, he is auto-
matically put through.
3) Press-to-Talk
One-way conversation is possible by pressing the
Press-to-Talk bar when the ambient noise is high at
one party's station.
4) Mic-off
Line is held temporarily.
5) Remote Response
The station called by continuous calling tone can be
remotely answered by other stations.
6) Single Digit Dialing
Single digit calling of numbers up to 4 digits in length
can be made by one-touch operation.
2. Selectable Functions
7) Master/Sub Relationship
Substations can call Master stations by one-touch
operation. In the event of Handset Substation, a call
can be made from Substation to its designated master
station by simply picking up a handset.
8) Automatic Access to Paging
Specific Substations may initiate a Paging Call or
Paging Response or Personal Number Call, etc. by
simply picking up a handset.
9) Privacy
When calls are unwanted, turn Privacy switch on and
a brief privacy tone sounds when the station is called.
10) Camp-on-Privacy
When called in the privacy mode from another sta-
tion, calls can be connected immediately after
releasing the Privacy switch.
11) Handset Response in Continuously Called Stations
Full duplex handset conversation is available by
lifting the handset when the continuous calling tone
is heard.
12) One-touch Response in Continuously Called Stations
Hands-free conversation is available by just touching
any key except when the continuous calling
tone is heard.
13) Personal Number Call
Calls can be connected by using Personal Numbers,
other than normal station numbers when Personal
Numbers are registered into any designated station.
14) Call Transfer
The called party can transfer the call to other selected
station. Call Hold and Call Back are also possible.
15) Group Hunting
When the first called party in a group is busy, the call
is automatically transferred to the next stations.
16) Secretary Transfer
Calls to an "Executive" may be automatically trans-
ferred to a "Secretary".
17) Call Forwarding
Calls to stations are automatically transferred to
any other designated station.
18) Priority
When the party called is busy, by just sending priority
tone conversation is available if response is given,
holding the original conversation.
19) Executive Priority
When the party called is busy, the caller can break in
on the called party without the response, holding the
original conversation.
20) Highest Executive Priority
The preprogrammed caller can interrupt forcibly the
called party in busy mode. In this event, original
conversation is cancelled.
21) Selection of Dial Operation
Selectable First Station Number
The first station number for system may be selected
from any of the following numbers (Hardwired
station number): 100/200/300/400/500/600/700/
The system with Personal Numbers can't use No.
100 ~
Paging Response
Paging response may be made either by pressing
the "Zone No.", or [Simply pressing ].
General Purpose Control
Dial digit numbers change the output numbers.
22) Programmable Station Numbering
The system has programmable station numbers up to
No. 999 rather than only the normal hardwired
station numbers.
23) Group Blocking (Restricted Dialing)
Stations can be blocked into groups which cannot call
or page each other unless further programming is
24) Restricted Access
Stations with access to All-call Paging, Conference
and General Purpose Control can be limited.
25) Selectable Calling Tone
(Calling Tone/Paging Pre-Announcement Tone)
The time duration of the Calling Tone can be set for
"long" (Trill note tone) or "short" (Single note tone)
or none. Similarly, Paging Pre-Announcement Tone
may be set for "long" (2 sec.) or "short" (1 sec.) or
26) Time-out of Conversation and Paging Call
A Calling Time Limitation can be set, in case paging
and normal calls are to be kept short or where cancel-
ling calls might be forgotten.
Function description
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