2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
VVaalleett SSwwiittcchh::
A small push button mounted at a discretionary loca-
tion inside the vehicle. It is used to override the Failsafe
Kill when a transmitter is lost or damaged, or to enter or exit Valet
CCoonnvveenniieennccee EExxppaannssiioonnss
Listed below are some of the many expansion options available for
use with your system. Some options may require additional parts
and/or labor. Please consult with your dealer for a complete list of
options available for use with this system.
DDoommeelliigghhtt SSuuppeerrvviissiioonn::
The domelight will illuminate for 30 sec-
onds each time the system is disarmed using the transmitter.
This is useful for seeing inside the vehicle at night prior to
entering it.
PPoowweerr DDoooorr LLoocckk CCoonnttrrooll::
Your system is capable of controlling
many types of power door lock systems; however, some door lock
systems may require extra parts. Consult with your dealer to deter-
mine which type of locks your vehicle uses. If power locks are
connected, the system can be programmed to lock the doors auto-
matically 30 seconds after the ignition has been turned off. The
system can also be programmed to lock the doors when the ignition
is turned on and to unlock them when the ignition is turned off.
PPoowweerr TTrruunnkk RReelleeaassee::
The system’s auxiliary output can be pro-