Product Care
Product Care
Service Information
If service is required, call your dealer or authorized service
agency. The name of the authorized service agency can be
obtained from the dealer or distributor in your area.
Have the following information readily available.
• Model number
• Serial number
• Date purchased
• Name of dealer from whom purchased
Clearly describe the problem that you are having. If you are
unable to obtain the name of an authorized service agency, or if
you continue to have service problems, contact Viking Range
Corporation at (888) 845-4641, or write to
1803 Hwy 82W
Greenwood, Mississippi 38930 USA
Record the information indicated below. You will need it if
service is ever required. The model and serial number for your
grill is located on an identification plate located under the drip
tray in the rear left corner next to the inlet pipe.
Model no._____________________ Serial no. ________________
Date of purchase __________ Date installed ________________
Dealer’s name __________________________________________
Address ________________________________________________
If service requires installation of parts, use only authorized parts
to insure protection under the warranty.
Keep this manual for future reference.
utdoor gas grillsandall of their componentparts, exceptas detailed below*, are warranted tobe freefrom
efective materialsorworkmanshipin normal householduse for aperiodof twelve (12) months from the date of
riginalretailpurchase. Viking Range Corporation, warrantor, agreestorepair orreplace,atitsoption,any part
whichfails or is found tobe defectiveduring thewarranty period.
*Painted and decorative items arewarrantedtobe free fromdefective materialsorworkmanshipfor aperiod of
ninety (90)days fromthe date oforiginal retail purchase. ANY DEFECTSMUSTBE REPORTED TO THE SELLING
ses the mostup-to-date processes and best materialsavailabletoproduce all color finishes. However, slight
olor variation may be noticedbecause oftheinherent differences in paintedparts andporcelainparts as wellas
ifferences in kitchen lighting, productlocations, and other factors.
Any burner assemblies,TruSear™ infraredburner, infrared rotisserie burner, orporcelain grill grate which fails due
todefectivematerialsor workmanship in normal householduse duringthe secondthrough fifth yearfrom the
date of original retail purchasewillberepairedor replaced, freeof chargefor thepartitself,with the owner
ayingallother costs, including labor.Corrosion, scratching,and discoloration duetoimproperuse andcareof
heoutdoor product isexcluded from thiswarranty.
Any stainlesssteel partor porcelaingrill grate which rusts through due to defectivematerialsor workmanship in
normal householduse duringthe fifth through the usefullifetime of the grill from the date oforiginal retail
purchase will berepairedor replaced, freeof chargefor the part itself,with the owner paying allother costs,
including labor.
NINETY (90)DAYRESIDENTIAL PLUS WARRANTY. This warrantyappliesto applicationswhereuse of the
product extendsbeyondnormal residentialuse. Examplesare, but not limited to, bedand breakfasts,fire
stations, private clubs,churches,etc. This warrantyexcludes all commerciallocationssuchasrestaurants, food
servicelocationsand institutional food servicelocations.
This warrantyextendsto the originalpurchaserof the product warrantedhereunder and to eachtransferee owner
ofthe product duringthe termof the warranty.
This warrantyshall apply toproductspurchased and located inthe UnitedStatesand Canada. Products must be
purchasedin the country where service isrequested. Warranty labor shall beperformed by an authorized Viking
RangeCorporationservice agency or representative. Warranty shall not apply to damageresultingfrom abuse,
accident, natural disaster, loss of electrical power to the product for anyreason, alteration, improperinstallation,
improper operation, or repairor serviceof the product by anyone other than anauthorized Viking Range
Corporation service agency or representative. This warranty does not apply tocommercialusage. Warrantor is
not responsiblefor consequential or incidental damagewhetherarising out of breachof warranty,breach of
contract, or otherwise. Somejurisdictions do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental orconsequential
damages, sotheabove limitation orexclusionmay notapply toyou.
Ownershall be responsiblefor proper installation, providing normal care and maintenance, providingproof of
purchase upon request, andmaking theappliancereasonably accessible for service. If the product or one of its
component parts containsa defector malfunctionduring thewarranty period,after areasonable numberof
attempts bythewarrantortoremedy the defects ormalfunctions, the owner is entitled to eithera refund or
replacementofthe product or its component partorparts. Warrantor’s liability on any claim of any kind, with
respect tothe goods or services covered hereunder,shall in no caseexceed theprice ofthe goods or service or
part thereofwhich gives risetothe claim.
WARRANTY SERVICE: Under thetermsof thiswarranty,service mustbeperformedby a factory authorized
Viking Range Corporationserviceagent or representative. Service willbe provided duringnormal business
hours, and labor performedat overtime or premium rates shall not be covered bythiswarranty. To obtain
warranty service, contact the dealerfromwhom the product was purchased,anauthorized VikingRange
Corporation service agent, or VikingRange Corporation. Providemodel and serialnumber anddateoforiginal
purchase. Forthenameofyournearest authorized VikingRange Corporation service agency, callthe dealerfrom
whom theproduct was purchased or Viking Range Corporation. IMPORTANT: Retain proofoforiginal purchase
toestablishwarranty period.
The return of the Owner Registration Card isnota condition ofwarranty coverage. You should, however, return
the Owner RegistrationCard so thatViking Range Corporationcan contact you shouldany question of safety
arisewhich could affect you.
Any impliedwarranties of merchantability andfitnessapplicable to the above describedburner assemblies,
infrared rotisserieburners, porcelaingrill grates, and stainlesssteel parts arelimitedin duration to the period of
coverage oftheapplicable express writtenlimited warranties set forth above. Some jurisdictions do not allow
limitations on how longan implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation maynot apply to you. This warranty
givesyouspecific legal rights, and you mayalsohaveother rights which mayvaryfromjurisdiction tojurisdiction.
Specifications subject to change without notice.