
Compactor Features
Your compactor has a built-in interlock and will not operate unless you
1. Closed the trash drawer.
2. Turned the key to start.
STOP/LOCK will stop the ram movement at any point. After stopping
the unit, turn the key to START and ram will return to original “up”
Do not allow children to operate the compactor. We
recommend that you remove the key when not in use. The unit will not
operate without it. The trash drawer cannot be locked. Therefore,
before running a compactor cycle, always check to be sure that no
item has been mistakenly placed in the trash drawer.
Loading Your Compactor
BBuuiilltt--iinn SSmmaallll LLiitttteerr AArreeaa
Small cans, paper scraps, small
boxes and containers may simply be
dropped into the door, rather than
opening the large trash drawer. Trash
will drop automatically into the large
trash drawer when pulled open.
LLaarrggee CCaappaacciittyy TTrraasshh DDrraawweerr
Large, bulky items should be
placed directly into the drawer. It is not
necessary to run a compaction cycle
everytime you place trash into the drawer.
However, the more often you run a cycle,
the more compact the trash will be.
BBrreeaakk--AAwwaayy TTrraasshh BBaasskkeett
Your trash compactor is equipped
with a versatile two-piece, polypropylene
basket. It is designed for easy use and
removal of compacted trash. The break-
away basket may be used with or without
the enclosed complimentary supply of
trash bags.