
WWookk CCaasstt IIrroonn BBuurrnneerr ((IIff aapppplliiccaabbllee))
For proper lighting and performance of the burner, keep the
electric igniter and burner ports clean. It is necessary to clean these only
when the flame does not burn blue completely around all rings of the
burner, when there is a severe spillover or when the burner does not
light, even though the electric spark igniter sparks. Clean the burner by
scraping off burned on food soil. Use a wire, a straightened paper clip,
or needle to clean the ports.
DDoo nnoott uussee aa ttooootthhppiicckk;; iitt ccoouulldd bbrreeaakk ooffff
iinn tthhee ppoorrtt.. BBee ssuur
ree tthhee vveennttuurrii ttuubbee rreemmaaiinnss ddrryy..
WWookk PPaann ww//LLiidd ((IIff aapppplliiccaabbllee))
Wash the wok after each use in hot, soapy water. Do not use
harsh abrasives or scouring pad as they can harm the protective
seasoning. Dry thoroughly. Apply a light coat of cooking oil to the
inside surface with a paper towel. Place over medium heat for 15 - 30
seconds. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Wipe off excess oil
before storing in an inside cabinet.
DDoo nnoott ssttoorree tthhee wwookk ppaann aanndd lliidd
Venturi tube
CClleeaanniinngg aanndd MMaaiinntteennaannccee
Any piece of equipment works better and lasts longer when maintained
properly and kept clean. Cooking equipment is no exception. Your
rangetop must be kept clean and maintained properly.
Make sure all burners are “off” before cleaning. Disconnect power if
you are going to clean thoroughly with water.
PPoorrcceellaaiinn PPaarrttss ((GGrraattee aanndd GGrraattee SSuuppppoorrtt))
Allow the grate and grate support to cool to a safe temperature
level. Wipe up spillovers as soon as possible after they occur and before
they get a chance to burn in and cook solid. The grate and grate
support are coated with a porcelain enamel finish for durability. Wash in
hot, soapy water and rinse clean. For stubborn stains, use a mild
abrasive cleanser or non-abrasive soap-filled pad. Abrasive cleaners
used vigorously or too often can eventually scratch and harm the enamel.
CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneell
DO NOT USE any cleaners containing ammonia or abrasives. They
could remove the graphics from the control panel. Use hot, soapy
water and a soft clean cloth.
CCoonnttrrooll KKnnoobbss
BEFORE REMOVING. Pull the knobs straight off. Wash in detergent
and warm water. Do not soak knobs. Dry completely and replace by
pushing firmly onto stem. DO NOT USE any cleaners containing
ammonia or abrasives. They could remove the graphics from the knob.